hurting hermits 11: Oh Dear, there's more of him.

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Trigger warning, jevin gets force fead during the backstory

The meeting seems to drone on and on. With more and more problems cropping up as they go. It's exhausting. Jevin feels his slime squishing and starting to drip from boredom.

Solidifying himself, Jevin excuses himself for a moment. As he walks he sets a foot down and squishes into a bright blue pile of slime.

Wels is next to him in an instant, his tail flicking concerned, "You ok?"

"No," Jevin grumbles.

"Do we need to cool you down?" Biffa asks, as Etho bolts for his ice shop.

Jevin melts down further.

"Cauldron," Grian calls, hopping onto the table.

The hermits transfer a confused slime into the cauldron and look over him confused until Etho get's back and dumps some ice under the cauldron. Slowly Jevin reforms and yawns.

"I think we need to talk about that," Xisuma says as he shuffles from his spot on the floor.

Staying in his cauldron, Jevin shrugs, "I don't know why I melted, I was normal, then I got bored and squished."

"Jevin... anything else?" Biffa asks, "You never just melt, not anymore."

"I do when I'm stressed...but I'm not," Jevin sighs, "I miss being human... I've been a slime for so long that if I do get back to normal... it won't end well."

Padding over Ren set's his head on the corner of the cauldron.

Jevin seems to quiver a bit before he sighs, "You want to know how this happened?"

"Are you sssure?" Wels asks as Biffa hovers over his shoulder.

"Yeah, you guys should all know what happened."


Jevin runs to the town walls. It's spring so the slimes have extra plant matter to eat so they've grown absolutely huge. Splitting them into a manageable size and killing them will be nearly impossible. So some volunteers head out to cut them up a bit before the hunters head out.

The only reason he's even out here is Wels. He'd convinced him during a math class to come and intern for the town guards for the spring.

Easy money, he had said, "Wels, we have two very different definitions of easy."

"Oh come on," Wels grins, "It's fun."

"Tripping and getting covered in mud isn't fun."

Wels blinks, "True. Do you really dislike this, that much?"

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