Comfort Is found In Words And Actions- Hypno

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Frowning slightly Hypno walks over to the large window in his base. Over the last few months, he's spent a few hours each day learning and practicing magic.

Unfortunately, there's only so much the pseudodragon could do when teaching him how to control his magic.

"Hypno?" A voice calls, "are you over here?"

Looking up Hypno spots Joe rounding the corner with Max curled around his neck, "Yeah, uh, what's going on."

"I will be completely honest, I'm not sure," Joe shrugs, "He showed up at my base and dragged me over here."

Hypno raises an eyebrow, "Max, what?"

"You need to talk to someone, Joe has been doing a good job with the others," Max flicks his tail into Joe's face.

Blinking at the dragon Hypno relents, "Ok, Joe, Max wants us to talk."

Joe immediately agrees, "So what's on your mind?"

"It's my magic I guess. I can't always control it," Hypno sighs, "Sometimes it'll just react to nothing."

"That's probably not good."

Hypno shakes his head, "I don't have any spells that are overly destructive but I keep using the grease spell."

Wincing in sympathy Joe grimaces, he had been there when Hypno had first used that spell and it didn't end particularly well.

"Yeah," Hypno sighs, "It's not fun."

"Doesn't sound fun," Joe shakes his head.

Max flaps his way off of Joe's shoulders and over to a bookcase. He chitters softly as he curls up to watch.

"Sometimes I hate using my magic, it's helping Avar get his magic back faster and the hermits get affected because of that."

"So, why use your magic?" Joe calmly asks.

"My magic replenishes itself and when I have too much it makes me... I don't know, a little sick, kinda out of it."

Joe nods, "That makes sense."

"But it shouldn't. By using magic I'm hurting you."

"By not using magic you're hurting yourself," Joe explains as he hugs Hypno.

Hypno lowers his head, "I don't know what to do."

"You could ask Scar if he has any extra crystals, and no one blames you for having magic."

"Thanks, Joe," Hypno smiles.

"It's no problem," Joe softly smiles.

A small clatter from the shelf draws both of their attention. Max flutters off the shelf and drapes around Hypnos neck.

Hypno gently pets the small dragon, "When I use magic my eyes glow, and the tattoos show up."

"Do they mean anything?" Joe asks softly.

Max makes a quiet chuffing noise and flicks his tail into Hypno's face, "They symbolize things from the meteor's life," Hypno uses a bit of magic to make them show up, "The eye is Aver's eye, The Vex mask is because 'the vex betrayed' him, the gear is for one of his friends who was lost, the staff is for Max's old summoner, and the helmet is the reason Avar went to the Vex in the first place."

Joe is stunned, "That's interesting."

"Yeah, he's had quite a lot of problems, he's just a very broken man, he's done horrible things, but he's still hurting."

Shaking his head slightly Joe frowns.

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