Iskallium 3: And Echo

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After, the you just accidentally adopted two slime children fiasco had calmed down Iskall is tired and just wants to lie down and ignore the entire world. Vee and Echo had gone with Grian for the night as his base was fairly safe for the slimes.

Iskall stumbles into his bedroom and ungraciously flops down onto the mattress. Almost instantly he's out. When he wakes night has fallen and the room is pitch black.

Iskall grumbles and stumbles around trying to find the light switch until the room is filled with a soft green glow. Pausing for a moment he turns about to find his communicator floating behind him shrouded in green light.

Stifling a scream he trips backward and gets stuck on the edge of the bed frame. A few minutes pass and he falls to the floor with a dull thud. The communicator falls to the floor clattering loudly and the glow fades out of existence. "What the heck?" Iskall mutters under his breath.

After locating the switch the lights click on and Iskall switches his eye on to look for what caused the communicator to float and glow. Nothing out of the ordinary shows up on his scans. So he sits on the floor puzzling over just what was happening.

In the end, he decides to get up and get some work done. By daybreak, he has completed much of the top floor of his base. A new message from Jevin shows up on his communicator. It read; X wants me to come over and help you for a bit is it ok if I come over?

Iskall messages back saying it's fine if he comes over.

A few minutes pass and Grian arrives with Vee and Echo.

"Hey," Iskall greets as Grian enters the room. "How were they?"

"Hi, they were just fine, they were sleeping most of the time," Grian says, putting the slimes down and watching as they hop over to Iskall and nestle into his jacket.

"Thank you, so much," Iskall says, handing Grian a few diamonds. Grian nods and heads out heading off to work on his mansion.

About thirty minutes later Jevin shows up. "Hey man,"

"Hey," Iskall responds, waving as Vee and Echo bounce excitedly.

"So, you know why I'm here?"

"Yep, X asked you to come over because of slime stuff,"

"Pretty much, do you have any questions?"

"How do you unstick from stuff?

Jevin smiles at this answering, "You have to concentrate on getting down and if that doesn't work water helps. If you do have to use the water method just note you'll get really goopy for a while, that stuff won't get stuck to stuff but you'll probably drip a lot of slime,"

"Ok, do you know anything about baby slimes?" Iskall asks as Vee and Echo bounce curiously towards Jevin.

"Aw, they're so cute. I don't know much Beyond keeping them out of the water and being careful around ladders," Jevin explains patting the small slimes. "Oh, I don't know if this will affect you, but make sure there's plant matter for them to absorb or give them little bits of your slime. They don't eat like people do."

"Have plants for them and this might affect me, how?"

"Yeah, you're still part slime and although we don't know the percent it's probably really low cus there are no differences in appearance. Slimes tend not to eat meat and prefer plant matter. I don't know why."

The conversation continues late into the day and eventually, Jevin returns to his base leaving Iskall with the baby slimes.


"Vee, get off of that," Iskall grumbles as the slime starts climbing up the ladder to the upper levels of the base.

The small slime makes a small chirp and starts climbing faster. Iskall rolls his eyes and tucks Echo into a pocket and moves to take Vee off the ladder. Before he could reach her she starts glowing green and floating towards Iskall. He panics momentarily before noticing the faint glow coming off his hands. Vee ends up floating into his hands and starts chirping, sad that her fun has ended.

"I'm sorry, we'll go upstairs in a few minutes I just need to finish this,"

Echo chirps loudly starting to squirm around in the pocket.

Iskall pulls him out and sets him on the floor next to Vee where they start playing together. Iskall finishes his work and has Echo and Vee climb up the ladder. When he starts to climb up he finds it rather difficult to stay on the ladder as he would squish around the bars.

After he makes it to the top floor of his base he messages Jevin asking about ladders.

A few minutes later Jevin responds by saying "Oh, sorry I forgot to mention that, they might give you some trouble but you should be fine,"

Iskall rolls his eyes before starting to experiment with the green glow. After a while, he figured out how to change the brightness and strength of what the glow could move. The heaviest thing that could be lifted was a wooden stair.

Muttering under his breath Iskall decides to go and message Xisuma about the new power that had appeared. When Xisuma replied he nearly missed it as Vee and Echo were sleeping cuddled against each other sleeping and they look so cut Iskall had to take pictures.

When Iskall looks at his communicator he sees that Xisuma had replied saying that he was coming over.

Half an hour later Xisuma shows up at Iskall's place, ears pointing down slightly and tail swaying nervously, "Iskall? What exactly happened?"

"Um, this morning I accidentally made my communicator float and glow, and just now I made Vee float and I glow."

Xisuma nods and slowly walks over to the slimes sitting down on the ground and observing them fascinated for a few minutes. "I came over because the meteor stopped admitting a signal. So whatever's happening shouldn't do anything else,"

"Nice, thanks for letting me know,"

"No problem, can you show me who you make things float?"

Iskall nods and slowly moves his communicator shrouding it in a green glow. He shows Xisuma a few other things and gets stuck to a wall once. Before long Xisuma has taken all the notes he wanted and leaves saying something about a meeting in a few days.


As the hermits gather near the diamond podium that had been constructed and moved back to its original position next to the nether portal. Everyone was there save for Doc, Beef, Etho, and Bdubs. Beef had sent a message saying they would be a few minutes late as they had to extract Doc from his nest.

As they show up, Doc wearing sunglasses that he had 'borrowed' from Ren and looking extremely grumpy.

Etho walking next to him laughing his head off about something.

"Hurry up, we don't have all day!" EX shouts causing Xisuma to flinch at the loud noise in his ear. "Sorry,"

The four look at each other then, jog over semi guilty expressions on their faces.

"Ok, to get started. The meteor is back it's affected Jevin turning him into more of a slime. That's really it for him. Last week the meteor reactivated and it affected Iskall," At this a few gasps when let out and whispers ran through the crowd. "He's basically been turned into something to do with Iskallium, he has some slime-like properties, he can things glow green, form slime in his hands and has mild telekinesis,"

At this point, Iskall comes over to where Xisuma's standing and starts to explain something, "So, something happened and you should probably know, Um, I now have kids? I don't really know," As he says this he pulls Vee and Echo from their pockets and shows them off to the others. The cute blue and purple slimes blinking in the sun.

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