Phoenix Fire 2: Tango, Get out of the lava.

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"Oh, Zed, you haven't seen the wool farm yet, have you?" Impulse asks looking up from his redstone.

"I haven't. Is it cool?"

"It's epic, there's like sixteen sheep of each Color And it's super effective," Tango grins coming up behind Zedaph startling him slightly.

"You, sir need to stop doing that, I know it's the whole cartoon thing but you popping out of nowhere is terrifying," Zedaph complains, poking at Tango's side.

"Do you want to see the farm?" Tango asks, gently slapping Zedaph's hand away from his side.

"Yeah! It sounds really cool," Zedaph replies, and the treo starts to walk in the direction of the nether portal so they could go and see the sheep. Once in the nether they equip their elytra and take off towards the sheep farm portal.

Once there they first show Zedaph the storage room then head outside to see the farm itself. "Woah, this is incredible," Zedaph exclaims as he sees the rows upon rows of sheep.

"It's pretty cool isn't it?" Tango asks as he pops up onto the sheep platform to join the others.

"Yeah, you have a cool setup," Zedaph says a bit distracted, "I'm sorry, what is that?"

"Oh, that? That was the breeding pit, but now it is just where the extra sheep are," Impulse explains pointing out how some sheep were popping up above the walls and escaping.

This makes Zedaph smile as he rushes into the growing pile of sheep. "I have found my brethren at last," He whispers from within the mess of multi-colored sheep.

Impulse rolls his eyes as Tango starts losing it doubled over in laughter. "You should probably get out of there before your clothing gets mistaken for food,"

"He's right you know, I lost a few good pairs of jeans to them," Tango calls out to his friend who was attempting to disappear amidst the sheep.

Zedaph laughs as he extracts himself from the sheep pit and rejoins the others.

"Oh, do you want to see the unintentional mob farm?" Tango asks as they make their way off the platform.

"Um, why not, let's see it," Zedaph proclaims, hoping down from the carpet-covered platform.

Tango rushes ahead before his communicator goes off, starting him, causing him to lose all color once again and trip into a small hole in the ground.

Now, ordinarily, this would not be a problem, people tend to fall into such holes quite frequently. However, this hole was a bit special, special in the fact that it was full of lava. Zedaph and Impulse rush forwards to try to help get him out or scavenge for his stuff, but when they get there Tango is sitting in the lava completely unharmed, albeit a bit stunned. There are no burn marks or anything on his skin. No red marks, or blisters.

"Tango? Are you ok?" Impulse asks, looking over what he could see.

"I'm fine, it's not even hot, just warm," He responds, slouching down a bit further into the lava.

Seeing him do this Zed let's out a slightly panicked noise. Hearing this Tango looks up and clambers out of the lava not wanting to freak his friend out more. He mutters an apology to Zedaph before pulling out his communicator to message Doc about what had happened.


Once back at the Toon Towers Tango begins to pace back and forth anxiously, if he had a tail it would be whipping around wildly.

"Tango, hey calm down," Impulse murmurs coming up behind Tango and giving him a hug.

"I can't, I'm sorry," Tango manages to get out as a darker aura surrounds him.

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