Withering Energy2: Withering

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That's most of what Skizz knows at the moment, just dull throbbing pain.

"Skizz," Impulse asks hesitantly.

"Impy? What happened?"

"You passed out, the withering didn't leave... X got you back here... we can't tell if it's a glitch or the meteor."

"Oh..." Skizz murmurs as he sits up, "That would explain why everything hurts," He snorts.

"Yeah... you're going to have to wait for this to wear off."

Skizz looks out the window, looks like he's back in the guest house by spawn, "Makes sense."

A rattle comes from the doorknob.

"Can Tango come in?" Impulse asks, glancing at the door.

"Yeah, of course," Skizz narrows his eyes, "why wouldn't he be allowed in?"

"He's really upset about what happened, he's been crying since we got back. I think he blames himself."

Eyes glinting with understanding, Skizz nods, "Let him in. How long was I out for?"

Walking over to the door, Impulse answers, "only a few hours."

Peeking his head around the door frame Tango nervously locks eyes with Skizz, "hi..."

"Hey buddy, come over here," Skizz pats the bed beside him.

Tango slowly walks over to Skizz, an ever so slight frown takes over his face, "Is your eye ok?"

"What do you mean?" Skizz asks as Tango climbs up onto the bed.

"It's got flecks of black in the white part," Tango flicks his tail.

"Hand me my communicator," Skizz frowns as he tries to stifle a yawn.

Tango grabs the device and hands it to Skizz. Flipping the camera around to use it like a mirror he reaches his hand up to his eye, "Oh..."

"Is it affecting your vision?" Impulse asks concerned.

"I don't think so," Skizz murmurs, "It looks normal."

"That's good at least," Tango chuffs.

Nodding Skizz yawns again and lays down, a few minutes later he's asleep.


In the next few days Skizz's condition neither worsens or improves. The withering effect is still there.

He needs help to stand up, and he can't stay awake for long periods of time. The wither effect is one of the worst to have stick around. Milk won't fix it, Xisuma's tried to remove it, another respawn didn't do anything, nothing works.

Tango's moved up to being ten by the time something changes.

The withering effect disappears. No warning. Just gone. Skizz feels a lot better.

"Hey guys," He grins, waving to Tango and Impulse, "The wither effect is gone."

"That's awesome," Tango chirps, flaring his wings out and wiggling his tail.

"Really?" Impulse asks beaming as Skizz nods, "That's good, just be prepared for the meteor to start doing stuff now that that's out of the way."

Grimacing Skizz nods, "That's a good point, well, Dibbledop, what do you think we should do?"

Impulse shrugs, "Wait it out."

"That's all we really can do about this stuff," Tango sighs, his wings falling to his sides, a few feathers drifting off, "Oh great... I'm molting."

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