Red Sparks 2: Redstone

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By the time the Xisuma finished with the tests it had been determined that Mumbo was powered by Redstone, needed to eat the dust as food, can not eat normal food, and can't sleep if he has not eaten recently. This was discovered when he fell asleep at the table that he, Iskall and Xisuma were at waiting for the meeting to start.

"Do we wake him," Iskall asks as he double-checks the torch to make sure it was there and would let Mumbo wake up when ready.

"Let him sleep, he's been through a lot in the last day," Xisuma says just as the other hermits start to arrive. "I'm going to send our test results to Doc and Scar so they have the new data that we got,"


"Is that what happened? Ren asks double-checking that the information that Grian gave him was accurate as he tends to exaggerate slightly.

"Well, yeah, that's what happened. We got some more data to work with and we're running it through the system right now," Doc explains as he and Scar go over the new information that they got from the scans and tests they did on the Meteor also what they had just received from Xisuma and Iskall.

"How'd the meteor get in here anyway?" Ren asks staring at the said meteor.

"Xisuma used his special admin communicator to teleport the meteor to the testing facilities," Doc explains as he finishes putting the new data on his communicator.

Scar spins around in his chair declaring"We have all the data that we can get right now, so let's head on over to itrade,"


"You're late," Xisuma says tapping his foot in mock irritation.

"Sorry," Grian says smiling sheepishly sitting down next to the sleeping Mumbo who at some point had been given a blanket.

"Alright, I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here," Xisuma begins only to get interrupted by False.

"You announce to meet here out of the blue, of course we're all wondering," She says as she holds up her communicator.

"I was getting to that, anyway I called you to inform you that last night during the meteor shower, one hit very close to where I along with a few others where watching. A shard of it was broken off and hit Mumbo's arm. Don't worry it didn't cause any damage to his arm. However, it had a rather interesting side effect. Mumbo is now powered by redstone,"

All heads turned to look at the sleeping architect member, who didn't seem any different than normal. "I don't believe you," Cleo says with Zedaph, Tango, and Joe nodding in agreement, several others share that opinion but did not express it.

"I thought some of you might not believe me so, Doc if you don't mind," Xisuma trades spots with Doc and he explains what happened with the meteor and that it would change colors depending on who was Closest to it at any given time and that it might have other effects that they don't know about at this time. It was also explained that It doesn't seem to be affecting anybody else but it might, so still be aware of that.

This went on for about 20 minutes before everyone's questions have been answered and everyone believed that this was actually happening and wasn't some strange mass hallucination. This was also about when Mumbo started to wake up.

"Why's everyone staring at me?" Mumbo slurred still half asleep burying himself deeper into the blanket.

"Are you ok love?" Stress asks him as she takes the stuff that Grian had decided to stack on his head off and puts it down on the table. Where Grian slowly puts the items back into his pockets.

"I slept through the meeting didn't I?" Mumbo says sitting up and fixing his tie and straightening his suit. Giving stress a nod saying that he's fine.

"You did. I have one last question for you Xisuma, how did you get to eating redstone?" Tango asks. As he says this Grian starts to laugh.

"It's my fault really, A few months ago Mumbo got super wrapped up in a redstone project and I jokingly said something like 'you're going to end up eating this stuff at the rate you're going.' After he threw up and we were trying to figure out what he could eat I randomly remembered that conversation," Grian explains rubbing the back of his neck.

"A few more things," Scar says as he stands up, "We don't know if the meteor will affect anyone else, so if anyone notices anything odd happening too or around them please come and tell me, Doc or Xisuma."

A few more questions were asked and answered before people started to trickle out and back to the projects they're working on.


End of Mumbo's bit.

If you have any requests of what happens to different hermits feel free to comment.

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