Comfort is found words and actions: Ren

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Ren narrows his eyes, he needs to finish this lava lake but something's nagging at him to go find the others. Brushing the dirt and dust of his pants and tail Ren sets out. As walks he frowns, it's getting near the full moon but he doesn't normally feel like this. Not at this time, he's still got hours before the sun goes down.

He stumbles when he walks into a small pile of rubble.

"Sorry about that Ren," Joe grins, before stumbling back when Ren stares blankly at him, "Ren, are you ok?"

"Hm, oh I'm fine it's just near the full moon and I'm really tired."

"Well then, come over here."

Unexpectedly Ren pads over and plops down next to Joe.

"Is it possible that the moon makes you start acting wolf-like before it's up?"

Huffing Ren answers, "Sometimes, near the full moon, I just don't want to be away from everyone. It's a lot worse in my wolf form but I'm like drawn towards you guys."

Joe gently rubs Ren's ears, "Anything bothering you?"

Ren's tail wags for a moment before he answers, "It's just I act like a dog sometimes and it's really embarrassing."

Nodding along Joe leans forwards fully invested with what Ren is saying.

"Like on the full moon, I get it. I'm not actually really in control. I'm basically a dog with human memories," His ears fall, pinning down on his head, "But when I'm just me I hate it."

Joe wraps Ren in a hug, "Hey it's not your fault."

"I know, but sometimes it's just out of the blue. Like last week Tango threw a slimeball ball and I just ran after it and brought it back."

Smiling softly Joe asks, "Did he throw it again?"

"Yeah, that part wasn't too bad," Ren barks out a laugh.

"It's fun if you willingly do something or if it's a direct interaction?" Joe asks, Ren nods his ears pricking up as he looks at the sun dipping below the horizon.

"Yeah, It can be fun," Ren shrugs.

"Is there anything else you do?" Joe asks.

"Oh yeah, If I'm really tired I act like a dog."

Joe smirks, "What do you mean?"

"It's weird I'll roll around in the dirt and uh, play with dog toys."

"Is that where some of the dog park toys have gone?"

"Yeah, sorry."

Grinning Joe looks at the moon that's almost above the horizon, "Well, I think you might want to stay inside tonight."

"Why, it's nice out right now."

"It's going to storm," Joe states matter-of-factly.

"Ok then," Ren whistles as he starts taking his shoes off. A few minutes later a large brown wolf is laying on the ground. He pads up towards Joe, they mess around for a while before rain slowly starts pattering down.

Ren pads after Joe as he starts to head inside, once inside the winery Joe pulls out a few dog brushes and helps clean Ren's fur. By a few hours later Ren is a lot more fluffy and is solidly asleep in front of the fire.

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