Comfort is found in words and actions: Doc

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Doc hisses at the floor of his base. One of his traps had gone off unexpectedly. It had just barely been reset and on top of that it didn't even work right. Activating his Elytra he jumps into the air and heads towards the shopping district.

Stumbling forwards he lands. Walking into his shop he slumps against the counter, as he collects the profits, a sun beam hits the shot window. The light casting patterns over the floors. Yawning he glares up at the sun.

"Howdy," Joe grins as he walks inside, "Now, what did the sun do?"

Turning away Doc pulls his lab coat around himself, "It's nothing. I'm fine."

"No you're not," Joe shakes his head, "come over here and sit down and talk to me for a moment."

Knowing full well that Joe would follow after him if he leaves, Doc frowns, "Fine, it's just that I've really never gotten used to being part human. Before the meteor, I was pretty much used to being around a lot of players, then the meteor happened. And I'm back at square one. Now I feel like I have to watch my every step."

Joe winces slightly as Doc continues, the creeper is talking but he's avoiding something.

"I can't do anything about it. I've been acting more like a creeper then I normally do," Doc admits.

Joe leans forwards, "Do you mind explaining what you mean?"

"I hiss at people," Doc explains, "It happens if I'm tired or stressed out a lot."

Sighing Joe smiles softly as he listens.

"And uh, I' have no sense of time. Creepers are nocturnal. So I'll try to sleep during the day but since I'm also human I try to sleep during the night," Doc stops talking for a moment before continuing, "It's really annoying."

"That's why you sleep right when the sun goes up and down," Joe snaps his fingers.

"Exactly," Doc grins, before slumping down, this is all just so weird, and how do you know that?"

"I know most things happening around the server," Nodding softly Joe gives Doc a gentle hug. The Creeper tensing up for a moment before relaxing and melting into the hug.

"One of the more annoying parts is when I get distracted from what I'm working on, Creepers don't have the longest attention span and don't really like to come back to things later."

"Something else is bothering you, you keep dodging around something."

"Fine, it's my explosions. I can't always control when it happens and it's really annoying. It doesn't have the same range as other creepers so it's just a hazard for me to deal with."

"What happens when you blow up?"

"I act even more like a creeper. I can only hiss. I don't leave my house since I have food and I Uh, normally have some form of company that makes it bearable but sometimes I'm alone."

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