Finding Company

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Startling awake Tango clutches at his ears, blinking as he tries to remember what had just happened.

He woke up and fell off the iron farm landing on the ground below. The third week in a row he's respawned; with days in between each respawn thankfully. Hopping down he finds an ender chest and changes his clothes before snagging Perry and texting his coordinates in chat.

Ten minutes pass, with no response. Tango sends another message. No response. He tries again and again. Messages are becoming more and more frequent. Until he's kicked.

Thankfully the hermitcraft server exit point is in a private lobby, shared by Legacy and Empires. Tango sees a cluster of people near the Legacy portal and slowly starts shuffling over.

Chewing on his lip Tango spots a friend and walks behind him and softly pokes at his hand.

"What!" Skizz startles looking around, "Oh," He crouches, "You ok buddy?"

"I got kicked and... it won't let me back," Tango whispers, "Server restart."

"Can I pick you up?" Skizz asks. Tango nods and Skizz picks him up, "Ok, that's better?"

Tango nods looking over at the legates; they had moved a few blocks over and are still chatting.

"Hey, Lime," Skizz calls over, "You think you could do some magic stuff to keep the server from kicking Tango when he's like this?"

The watcher looks over and stretches a wing out, "It should be doable."

"Thanks," Tango grins, giving him a thumbs up.

"Hey man," Python waves, "Meteor still wrecking you guys?"

Rolling his eyes, Tango flares his wings out, "Yeah, Hels was affected last week."

Python nods and coils up, "Sorry for leaving you guys like that..."

"It's fine," Tango laughs, kicking his legs as he wiggles in Skizz's grip, "I don't blame you..."

"Ok, you won't get kicked for spamming," Lime hands Tango his communicator, "Just Uh, you know, don't spam."

Tango nods, "Yeah, no one was responding, so I panicked. Now I realize it's the sleep lock for server resets."

Skizz nods and sets Tango down, "I guess you're with us until you can get back online."

"You three out here for the same reasons?"

"Yep," Skizz sighs, "Awake for the reset."

Tango squints for a moment and hugs Perry, "I don't have shoes..."

Skizz snorts, "Why not."

"Do you sleep with your shoes on?" Tango giggles.

"I was talking with Lime," Skizz defends. As Lime and Python laugh slightly.

Lime shakes his head, "Come on, we'll get you shoes."

Pulling him up Skizz tucks Tango under an arm and walks towards a store. Instinctively flapping his wings Tango laughs. Once he has shoes Tango is set down.

They make their way over to a bench and settle down on it. Tango looks up from his attempts to lace his shoes up and frowns, "Baby fingers," He sighs.

The legates burst out laughing.

"You want me to do them?" Skizz asks.

Tango nods, "Yes please."

"You are a weirdly polite kid," Skizz sighs, "Alright, there you are. You are now free to go run around like a maniac."

Tango looks at Skizz blankly and sighs, "Why would I do that?"

"Playground," Skizz points.

Spotting the slides and swings Tango makes a frog face and pulls Skizz over, "You have to do it with me."

"Deal," Skizz laughs.

After about an hour at the park they head back towards the portals for the worlds, "Do you want me to come yell at Impulse a bit?" Skizz jokes.

"Hmm," Tango narrows his eyes, "I'm pretty sure we've given him a heart attack just from getting kicked."

"Good point," Skizz murmurs, "You stay safe."

"I do my best," Tango grins. 

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