It Takes Two To Tango 1: All Alone

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Warnings- this fic will contain heavy angst regarding children and will be a lot heavier than most.

Goodtimeswithscar blew up

MumboJumbo blew up

Grian fell from a high Place

Impulse Blew up

Goodtimeswithscar blew up

MumboJumbo Fell into the void.

TangoTek blew up

PearlescentMoon was killed by Grian

Grian Was Killed by Impulse

MumboJumbo fell into the void

Cubfan: Boatam is getting killed over here

[Server: Chat will be cleared in 5 seconds]

TangoTek: Respawn

[Server: Chat cleared and moved to archive]

MumboJumbo: We need heads

Grian: Ignore us


Yawning Tango turns his communicator off. It's late and he sent the 'respawn' message so someone will come for him. Wiggling off his bed he scampers over to his shulker box full of clothing. Tugging his shirt on he flaps his wings through the slits.

After he's dressed he heads over to his smaller room. It's been decorated to fit with his respawns better. As well as give him easier access to things as he is quite short.

Grabbing his plushies he crawls into his bed and falls asleep.

The next morning he wakes up and sets about getting ready for the day. About halfway through the routine he realizes something.

"Hello!" Tango calls out, "Anyone here?"

No one replies.

Curling his tail around himself Tango looks down. Puffing his wings out he swallows hard and collapses down onto his bed.

Feeling his eyes water he shakes it off. It's fine. He's fine... He can plan out the cave more... It'll be fun. Someone will come for him soon.

A nagging voice in the back of his mind whispers to him, what if they aren't coming on purpose. They all know what happens when I respawn. It's probably just too much for them to handle right now.

With that the tears start pouring down his cheeks. Soft hiccups escape as he bundles himself in blankets, it's fine he can take care of himself. He gets some carrots out of his food chest.

Settling down with Perry and stegosaurus, he grabs one of his lego sets and starts working on it.

I can do things by myself. It takes a while longer than it should but I'm not entirely useless when I'm like this. Tango fluffs his wings out and sighs, "I should go look for someone," He mumbles to himself, "No, I gotta prove I can do things."

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