It Takes Two To Tango3: the lego room

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Looking at each other they nod and continue down the hallway. Impulse tries not to trip as Zed helps him stay standing.

"You've made it down," Joe's orb bounces.

"Yep," Impulse groans.

"Good job, anyways, you two must stop the fighting happening inside the room, oh and you're not going to be the only living toys."

"Joe, are you kidding?"


"Why do we need to go into the room?" Zedaph asks.

"You need to learn how his mind works while he's like this."

Impulse sighs, "Joe, did we hurt him?"

Joe sighs, "Yes and no, he feels like you don't show up unless he asks, he doesn't quite understand everything as a kid. So agreements and unspoken things you have when he's normal can sometimes confuse him"

"I guess that's true," Zedaph bleats, "I just wanted to give him space."

Impulse nods sadly, "Yeah, Wait, Joe how do you know all this?"

"I have been around for a very long time," Joe sighs, "I've seen similar things."

"Ok, what's the goal here?" Zed bumps the slightly cracked open door with his head.

"Stop the fight in the game Tango was playing."

"Wait, I thought he didn't play with stuff..."

"And how would you know?"

Joe sighs, "I can see the truth, and I asked him about it."

"Why wouldn't he tell us?" Impulse whispers looking up at the orb.

"Well, he cares what you think. He loves you guys. You're his family, and I'm not as close to him so it's not as awkward."

"Yeah that makes sense," Zedaph bleats softly.

"Let's go?" Impulse asks looking to Zed who nods.

The moment they step though the doors they are whizzed up to the tables. All along the walls and in the center of the room an impressive amount of Lego buildings and mini figures are scattered around.

"So," Zedaph bleats, "did you know there was this much?"

"No," Impulse shrugs, "I didn't know."

"He's done so many..."

"Let's start exploring," Impulse sighs, "let's find the fight..."

It doesn't take too long to find the fight. It's just on the middle table.

"That's a really long way," Zedaph groans.

"Well it looks like he has a hot wheels track going over there," Impulse shrugs, "That could work."

"Oh, yeah," Zedaph grins.

As they walk over to the bridge they spot the drop down and freeze.

"That's pretty far..." Zedaph bleats looking down.

"It'll be ok," Impulse nods, "Let's get this over with."

Once both are across the bridge they slide to the ground next to a building. They fell a few times and learned that they would just appear on the starting side of the bridge.

They look around for the fighting. A moment later they find the fight.

It looks like a brush robot has been running over the lego minis. There's lego police trying to stop the robot but nothing they do seems to have any effect.

"Well, I think that's what we need to deal with..."

Zedaph nods, "That's not good."

A few minutes of whispering later they compose a plan. Somehow lure the robot off the table onto the floor.

Running out in front of the brushbot, Impulse rushes out and kicks at the wooden frame.

"Did you know he had this?" He calls over to Zedaph.

"Kinda, he ordered a bunch of craft kits before settling on the legos," Zedaph calls.

"Makes sense," Impulse nods as he backs away from the robot. It follows him.

They almost have it pushed over the edge when Zedaph stops Impulse, "It sounds like it's crying," he whispers.

"It does," Impulse nods.

They drag it back up and away from the edge.

"Hello?" Impulse asks the brushbot.

No response.

"I don't think it can hear."

"It can see," Zed points at the eyes, "It might just be magic, keep talking."

Impulse looks at the eyes and frowns, "You can't control movement too well can you?"

The bot vibrates slightly.

A few of the lego mini figures poke out around walls; they have a silent debate before walking over and pulling the brush bot over to a safe area.

"And good job," Joe grins, "You have learned more about Tango."

"How was this about Tango?" Impulse asks.

"Oh," Zedaph looks down, "I think I get it."

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