It Takes Two To Tango 4: Tango's room

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TW: this is where it gets bad with self image stuff and there are a few food problems, so if you don't want to read all that, stop at the ~~~~~~~ there will be a few instances of this.

"Welcome to the next area," Joe grins, "Tango's kid room."

Zed rolls onto his hooves and bleats, "This is a mess."

Joe's orb bobs up in the air, "Find his thoughts."

"Joe, there is cryptic and there is impossible," Impulse groans, "We can't find thoughts, unless you did some weird magic stuff."

"No 'weird' magic in this one," Joe laughs, "Look around you should find what you seek."

"Impulse?" Zedaph looks over, "maybe we should just take a break? Are we allowed to do that?"

"Of course you are," Joe chitters.

"Come on," Zedaph pulls Impulse over to a discarded pillow on the ground, "You are stressing out too much about this. What's wrong?"

Impulse looks down and sighs, "I was just barely getting used to all the bedrock. And now I'm all soft and squishy... it feels so weird."

Zedaph frowns, "Yeah."

They sit in silence for a while. Just thinking.

"Ok," Impulse sighs, "Let's just get this over with."

Scrambling to his hooves Zedaph looks around, "Let's try under the bed first."

As they walk under the bed they find nothing but dust bunnies and a few spare lego bricks.

Squinting up at the mattress Zedaph frowns, "There's something in between the wall and the blanket."

It takes a good ten minutes to clamber on top of the bed and once they do it's hard work to get across. The blankets are a mess across the bed and stuffed animals need to be walked around or climbed over.

Once they reach the edge they look down and spot a red note book.

"Oh it's his old redstone book," Impulse gasps, "Help me pull it up."

Grabbing the edges of the blankets they pull the note book up and flip it open.

Impulse's face falls instantly. The page they've opened is completely scribbled out.

Zedaph bleets, "I don't think this is a redstone book."

"yeah, i don't think so," He whispers, "Do - do we keep going?"

"I think we need to," Zedaph sighs, "I don't think that," He motions to the notebook, "Is something we can just ignore."

Zedaph flips the book back to the beginning.

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"Oh no," Zedaph gasps.

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Impulse swallows hard, "I think we found what Joe wanted us to."

Zedaph nods, "Yeah, I think we did."

As they flip to the next page Impulse's stomach; or lack thereof, flips, "Zed, this is more than just that stuff."

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