Hurting Hermits 12: STOP COPYING ME!!

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Chirping to himself, Grian spreads his wings and flutters down to talk with Mumbo. The pair chatter for a bit before Grian heads off to work on his mansion.

It's days before anyone sees him, sure he's hopped around in the shopping district and been seen around, but he's been too busy to stop and talk to anyone.

Landing in front of the mansion Grian grins as he sets his chest monster down, "...Get..." Grian freezes and rubs at his throat, it's nothing. He's sure it's nothing. Just a bit sore from not talking for a few days.

He gets back to work and all but forgets about the strange encounter until a certain Vex show's up.

"Hey, Grian," Scar waves.

"Hey," Grian chirps back. He freezes as a strange look crosses his face, he'd said Scar's name, right?

"You ok?" Scar asks, fluttering closer to his friend.

Shaking his head, Grian slumps to the ground.

"Are you hurt?" Scar asks and Grian's head feathers stand up. He shakes his head, "No?"

"No, No, no, no," Grain cries, his words- his words are gone, he can't say anything he wants to.

"Do you need help?" Scar flits forwards and hugs Grian's arm.

Grian looks sick for a moment, "Need help, help help help help help help help help help help help help."

Scar climbs onto his shoulder, "Hey, hey we can fix this."

"Fix, This, no," Grain puffs as Scar makes a decision.

"Grian, I'll be right back," He murmurs.

Nodding Grian clutches at his throat, "Get Help?"

"I'm getting help," Scar confirms, "It'll be ok."

Grian slumps down and grabs a water twittering softly to himself; he puffs his feathers up and starts grooming them. Sneezing he curls his wings around himself.

"Grian?" Ren asks calmly as he takes Grian's hands, "What's wrong? Can you tell me?"

Shaking his head Grian whispers, "No."

"Can you write down what's wrong?"

Grian smacks his face and pulls his communicator out. 'I can't talk, but I think I can repeat words.'

"What words?" Ren asks.

"What, words, Can, you, write, down, wrong, no, tell, I'm, I, It'll, be, ok, Help, yes, no," Grian answers.

"There's more than that?" Ren huffs questioning softly.

Grian nods, shrugging softly.

"Yes? Do you want me to go over some more words?"

Nodding vigorously, Grian smiles softly, "Yes."

Ren opens his communicator and reads Grian a list of words. When he's done Grian blinks and points at the server list.


"Yep," Grain smiles nervously.

Once Ren has completed reading out the words Grian wants he looks over at him.

"Thank you," Grian blinks as his feathers start to lay down, "We should get Xisuma."

"Yeah, and to get vocab back, ask us and we'll tell you what you want to know," Scar flits down and lands on Grian's head.

"Thank all of you," Grian puffs out frowning slightly.

"I suggest listening to an audiobook or having a show playing in the background," Ren suggests as Grian coos softly.'

As Scar realizes something he gasps, "Dude your accent changes for different words. Like if I said a word you have my accent but if Ren showed you you have his."

Laughing Grian mimics Scar's voice, "I can do more than that."

"This is prankege waiting to happen."

"From who?" Grian asks in his own voice.


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