Last Life Redo, All 9 weeks in one

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Week 1- The Chaos Begins

As Grian completes the intro for the second season of third life, or Last Life as they are calling it this season. Everyone scatters and begins to work on finding the best ways to survive. Since Tango, Scar, and Grian all have wings so they have some minor modifications. That differs from person to person. Scar doesn't get armor since he's vex size and harder to hit, Grian has to stay fairly low to the ground, and Tango can't fly unless it's for one of a few reasons.

Once the life count is chosen and the boogeyman picked, the real fun begins.


"Well hello there," Scar giggles, landing on Grian's shoulder.

Fluffing his wings up, Grian chirps slightly as Scar moves to hover in front of him, "You want to give me a life?"

"You can do that?" Scar bares his sharp teeth slightly, "And you'll give it back?"

"Mhhm," Grian nods, "Put it in your comm."

Scar nods and gives Grian a life.


"So uh, how do i check how many lives i have now?" Scar giggles.

"How many did you have?" Grian asks.

"Six," Scar grins.

"Oh," Grian hops back a bit, "I'm not giving this back," with that he jumps up and flutters off, Scar hot on his heels.


"What's this on my mountain?" Scar murmurs as a golden armored horse with Grian on it's back jumps around on it's back.

"Hi Scar," Grian chirps, "You like my horse?"

"Ohh. i do," Scar giggles, "Let me on," Dismounting Grian watches as the vex wiggles up into the saddle, "Ok bye."

"WhAt," Grian shrieks, "No..."

"A horse for my life," Scar waves as he uses a bit of magic to control the horse. He may be small but magic can find ways around the challenges.


Padding around Ren flops down half in the water and watches the fish. This river is spawning so many salmon. Baring his teeth he lunges and snaps one of the fish up.

Holding it with his paw he bites down and tears a strip off. As he eats he doesn't notice two others walking over until they jump in the river.

Standing up he barks at them.

"Hi Ren," Etho waves at the large wolf.

Ren barks sharply and jumps in the water. Paddling over he catches another fish.

"Is this your river?" Bdubs asks as he pets the top of the wolf's head.

Turning back to human Ren nods, "Yes.''

"Did you try to tell us in wolf form?" Bdubs laughs.

"Yeah, I sometimes forget about the wolf's can't talk thing," Ren rubs his ear awkwardly.


Yawning Bdubs flashes his fangs before shaking his head and zoning back into the conversation.

Etho laughs, "You lasted a lot longer than I thought you would."

"What?" Bdubs raises an eyebrow.

"Your sleep," Etho clarifies, "You tend to fall asleep every four to five hours, but you've been going all day."

"Oh," Bdubs grins, "I didn't even notice."

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