Silver Scars 1: You Appear To Be Shrinking

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As Doc made his way back towards the meteor room where he and Scar had been dutifully collecting more data on what had hit the server in the previous week. He passed Jellie who was meowing and pawing at the door. "Hey girl what is it?" Doc asks the cat as he crouches down to pet her.

As a response, she paws at the handle of the door begging to be let out.

"I guess it would be ok to have you come out as long as you're on a leash, and I need a break," Doc mumbles to himself as he attaches a leash to her collar. The door that she wants opened leads to a staircase that leads out of the building. She and Doc make their way outside and Jellie takes off towards the insanely tall buildings that make up the Shara street of hermit vill.

At this point, it was pretty obvious where she was going so Doc scopes her up and flies towards the plant monster. When they reach it she runs inside and into the bedroom where Scar was passed out on his bed.

Jellie jumps up onto the bed and sits on Scars's chest meowing as loud as possible, "Jellie, shush. You're going to wake him up," Doc says as he enters the room. The cat just stares at him judging him silently then goes back to meowing in Scar's face.

"Ugh, Jellie why must you do this," Scar groans then sees Doc standing in the doorway. "Hi, Doc, what brings you around?"

"Your cat, I was heading back to the lab when she started meowing at me to bring her somewhere, so I put her on a leash and she brought us here... Hey, are you ok? You look a little pale,"

"I'm fine, I'm not sick or anything,"

"Sure, you are... stand up," Doc says doubting every word.

Scar complies and stands up from the bed. Where he sways proving to Doc that he was, in fact, a little bit sick. "Ok maybe I am a little bit sick," Scar goes over to his closet and tugs on his jacket.

"What's up with your jacket?" Doc says looking at the sleeves.

"Huh, what do you, oh," Scar starts to say then trails off looking down at his sleeves to see them ending at his fingertips instead of his wrists. "I don't know? It was fine yesterday... you don't think?"

"Maybe, I'm going to call Xisuma and tell him there might be another affected," Doc states then pulls out his communicator to contact Xisuma. A few minutes of talking later it was decided that they would take Scar to area 77 to run some tests.


"Stand against this wall," Doc tells Scar. Scar complies standing with his back to the wall so Doc could make a mark on the wall of tall he is. "Since we don't have your exact Height marked down we can use the wall." It was a few days later when they remeasured and the line was a few inches below where it was a few days before.

"So what now?" Scar asks staring up at Doc.

Doc nods slowly thinking for a minute, "Who do you want to tell? Xisuma, Grian and Ren already know that you might have been affected,"

"You can tell everyone that I've been affected but we don't know how the exact specifics yet,"

"Alright," Doc says as he takes his communicator out and sends the message that Scar had been affected.

Almost immediately Cub sends a private message to Scar asking him if he can come by. Scar agrees and a few hours later Scar and Cub are face to face talking in Scars home. The conversation starts pretty normal, things like how the Shara diamond stack is fake, nothing too serious until Cub asks the question they've been avoiding. "What's going to happen?"

Scar looks down then back up at Cub. "I don't know? I'm shrinking that much is clear, my sleeves cover my hands, and I don't know when it'll stop,"

"Hey, take a breath. it'll work out," Cub says walking over to Scar who was starting to panic.

"I know, but what if it doesn't. I know I'm being scared of nothing," Scar trails off.

"Well, you need to be distracted. Do you want to go restock ConCorp shops?" Cub asks as they stand up. Scar nods in agreement and they start making their way to the nether portal.


After going to all of the ConCorp shops, restocking them and collecting all of the diamonds the two end up in the main ConCorp building. They stay there for a few hours then leave and head for Scar's volcano.

"I'll see you Scar," Cub says as he takes off leaving the volcano. "I'll stop by tomorrow to see how you're doing."

Scar waves goodbye to Cub then goes back inside, eats some food, and goes to sleep.

All the way over in Area 77 the meteor begins to emit silver-colored sparks. This goes on for a few minutes then a burst of light and the sparks are mostly gone just a few here and there.


The next morning scar wakes up looks around confused, everything looked off, Deciding to shrug it off as he was still half asleep. He rolled out of his bed and falls farther than he expected. Now fully awake and back on his feet, he looks at a block next to his bed upon finding his head was lower than the top of the block. He throws himself back.

"What's going on?" He mumbled. "Ok, ok, this is Obviously part of whatever the meteor is doing," He starts looking threw his bag to find his elytra he finds the only to realize that they're way too big for him to be able to fly with them and he can't jump onto single blocks anymore so he's effectively stuck.

Grabbing his communicator from its charger Scar asks, "Is anyone near my base? I'm stuck."

Almost instantly a reply is sent from Joe. "I'm fairly close. I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Cub is with me,"

After giving Joe and Cub his exact location and explaining that it is because of the meteor Scar switches his Communicator off and flopped back on his bed to wait for them to arrive.

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