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Letting her communicator slip through her fingers, Stress gasps. Leaving the device on the floor she shrinks down and flies out of her base towards False's.

The communicator is left on the floor as a steady stream of messages fill the screen.

Someone had left a comment... they had left a comment asking what people think about the hermit's transformations.

Most are neutral or positive, saying things like, Kudos to the hermits for being able to deal with this, or they all look really cool.

But others, the ones that are standing out, the longer comments. The ones with more things to say.

And not nice things.

Hybrids have been in the world as long as the world's been around. No one really knows how they came into being. Was it evolution or magic, that may never be answered. Later something else came up. Hybrid labs. Dark horrible places that would take people, or mobs and fuse them.

Even though most hybrid labs are gone, it's still an issue.

The hermits have a different case than most hybrids. Some people think what's happening to them is faked. That they want this to happen. Now if any of them saw Tango after a respawn or Beef on a bad day, they would see that they don't want this.

But they can't see that. So the hermits get comments like...

You utter freaks, do you know how disgusting it is that you would do this to your selfs then lie about it.

Wow, I would be way to embarrassed to even show my face if I even knew someone who would do this kinda thing.

You guys are grosse... faking hybrid labs. For clout

I can't stand people like you. You even have the watchers helping you

Oh man, when the watchers figure out how your doing this... just give up.

I used to like you, now your doing this.

So first Joe's a vampire and now he's some anchint god. Yeah right. Fakesst thing I've seen

they all changed soo randomly

A mod could like, totally do that, what liars

You can see the glue on this fur, it's clearly stuck on

[Photo of someone's face, where there's some sweat near their hairline so it's a little shiny]

well ACTUALLY birds wings don't look like Grian's so HA

You can't just turn someone into a robot like that, whatever that thing is it's not Mumbo. It's just some poorly made fake. It doesn't even sound like him.

Comments like this, hundreds of them.


Xisuma: Hey guys

Xisuma: Could we all come to the Spawn egg, I need to ask you all something

About thirty minutes later everyone is gathered in the spawn egg.

Tango's bundled up in a few blankets since he went out to the snow bowl. Without a jacket. He's pressed in between Zedaph and Impulse. Shaking violently; the cartoon bits of his transformations aren't the best at times.

Leaning over Zedaph whispers, "You better not get a cold."

Tango sneezes and puffs his wings up. Zedaph looks down at him and shakes his head. Gently bopping Tango's face with stegosaurus.

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