Side Effect

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We have hit one year!

Mumbo sighs softly as he gently moves his fingers. The smooth metal of his fingers reflecting the soft sunlight. As he fully wakes up, numbers and system detail start to drift across his eyes. With the start he realizes, it's been a year since the meteor hit.

Rolling to his feet he walks into the kitchen, he reaches for some food before freezing and looking down at his hands. His eyes flick from a pale red to a deep blue. Taking a moment to re-calibrate his systems he frowns. It's been a few months since he's needed to eat and a year since he could eat things other than redstone.

Systems humming softly he walks towards the edge of his base. Sitting on the edge of the towering structure he looks out towards Iskall's tree taking in the view. After a few minutes he stands up, "I should get some work done," He mumbles to himself. His voice glitching a little; trying to replicate his voice shaking.

As he walks around the side of his base to get to his nether portal he stops for a moment to feed his base, making sure it wouldn't die while he was gone. With a sigh he frowns, why did he have to make his base like this. Just as a constant reminder that he can't eat. It just hurts sometimes.

Shaking his head to clear the unwanted thoughts he stands up, brushing his hands off on his pants. Straightening his tie he heads into the nether.

Flying through the tunnel towards the industrial district Mumbo smiles softly to himself, his eyes turning a soft warm yellow. He's set out to completely finish the item sorter. Well, as complete as it gets without all the farms completed, that part would take some time.

This makes him smile a bit wider, and even laugh a little. As he arrives at his industrial district he absentmindedly rubs at the metal on his cheekbones.

Pulling out his Redstone box he gets to work. Expertly placing the hoppers and repeaters. It's mesmerizing, watching the robot expertly place Redstone.

As he stands his foot catches on a repeater, falling forward Mumbo lands on an active line. Yelping he rolls off of it. The pure Redstone energy overloading his circuits.

Landing on the floor of his storage system, he sits up slowly. Somethings not right, he smells something burning. His arm jerks out to the side as he attempts to move it. His eyes fade into a pale blue as he inspects his arm. From the outside, it looks fine. Doing an internal scan he winces, his arm was in short, fried.

Handshaking slightly he pulls his communicator out and shoots Doc a message asking if he could come over to help.

Almost immediately Doc agrees, saying he'll be there in a few minutes.

As Mumbo explains what had happened, Doc winces as he pops a panel open he swears under his breath.

"Mumbo, I'm going to need to redo the Redstone wires. It's all burnt," Doc explains as he carefully deactivates the arm.

"Ok," Mumbo nods as Doc gently picks through his wires.

"Give me a few more minutes," Doc mutters as he inserts the new wires. As he finishes he sits behind Mumbo and carefully moves his arm, making sure it's not going to break, "Ok, it should work properly. Be a little more careful, I can't fix everything."

Mumbo nods sheepishly, "Sorry, it won't happen again."

Doc nods satisfied with the answer, "Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."


With the meteor being a consistent thing in the hermit's lives a lot of things had to change and it's not always easy. Some things have gone from being able to do them without a second thought to having to concentrate to just get started. The meteor has caused so much hurt to the hermits.

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