Well that got a bit too literal 3: is there a word for cattle centaur?

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All of the hermits are enjoying exploring the nether, they make sure to bring all the new blocks and items back for Zedaph and Beef to see. As their instincts are still a bit too afraid of the new nether to go exploring. The others make sure to send a lot of pictures to them of all the new places and animals.

At some point, Xisuma decided to change his yellow armor red. Exy was mildly offended that Xisuma was copying his armor. Once Xisuma shows him the strider bits he calms down and stops questioning his brother after he extracts a promise that he'll go back to his green armor.

A couple of days have passed since they went to go and explore the nether. So far the meteor hasn't done anything else but it has yet to fall dormant. That is until one morning when Beef sends out a message to everyone asking if someone can come over to his base and help him. Almost instantly Xisuma, Keralis, and Etho rush over to help Beef.

When they arrive they are met with an odd sight. Beef legs have been replaced with the body of a steer. It appears to be too small to stand with his human torso. Beef himself appears to be in shock and is slumped over his bed half on the floor.

"Oh, no. Shiswamy what do we do?" Keralis buzzes as he sits on the bed next to Beef talking to him quietly.

Xisuma flicks his tail, before turning to Beef and asking him something. There's no response, "We should move him."

Etho speaks up, "He was talking about how Heights kind of messed with him so maybe he could go to Bdubs?"

"That's a good call," Xisuma mutters as he calls Bdubs; apologizing for calling at such an early hour. Keralis is still talking to Beef and he has gained some coherence. Not enough to answer questions or anything but enough to look around to be aware of somethings, like Keralis's voice.

Xisuma kneels down next to Beef and grabs his arms. Being mindful of where his claws are he teleports him near Bdubs' home. Quickly grabbing Etho he teleports him as well. Keralis staying behind to feed Beef's pets.

Bdubs rushes out of a house and stops short-covering his mouth with his hands, "Oh, gosh. Let's get him inside."

It takes a few minutes but they get him inside and situated on a bed. He's starting to come out of shock and he thumps his tail on the bed. This draws Xisuma's attention and he walks over and gives him some water.

"How are you doing?" He asks quietly, crouching down so he can be at eye level with Beef.

"Nothing hurts, but everything feels horrible."

Bdubs walks over with a few blankets, "Hey, do you want a blanket?"

Beef looks at him for a moment then nods excepting the blankets that are draped across his body. He shudders as they touch the cow body not liking the foreign sensation.

Xisuma hums softly as he considers what to do, Beef is unable to move for the time being. They would probably need to get X-rays done to check his organs and how they're doing. As he sits, Etho comes up behind and taps his shoulder.

"Uh, X, Doc wants you to switch off with him so he can come and help Beef," Etho explains, looking at Beef nervously.

Xisuma nods bids farewell and tells them to call him when they need him. He disappears with a vwoop and Doc sends A message stating that he would be there in about 30 minutes.

Beef groans in pain as his steer half starts growing again. He manages to roll onto his side and curls into himself as the transformation continues. It stops about five minutes after and he's gained a few inches in height. He's still quite a bit shorter than usual and is unable to stand but he's a bit bigger.

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