Silver Scars 2: Vex Wings

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"So do you remember what happened?" Xisuma asks recording the conversation for future reference.

"No, it happened at night when I was sleeping," Scar answers. Joe had freed him from his base and Cub had Carried him and dropped him off at ConCorp were himself and a few others where gathered.

The questioning continued on for some time until Doc runs in the room with the security camera footage from the night before. "I went to the meteor room to see if anything had changed, and I found this," Doc shows everyone what had happened the night before. "It's still sparking so something else might happen.

"Alright then, the timing matches up, so I'm guessing that the burst of light was when you shrunk," Xisuma says.

Doc nods confirming that's what most likely happened.


A few hours later StressMonster arrives with an Identical but much smaller jacket that would fit Scar's new size. "Here, try this on, Cub told me that you shrunk to about the size of a Vex,"

"Thank you, it's perfect." Scar says as he puts the jacket on.

"Aw, no problem love, I'll see ya around," Stress says as she leaves.

"Scar, let me see your back," Cub says sitting down on the ground next to the block Scar was on.


"That doesn't look good," Xisuma says with a gasp.

"What doesn't look good?" Scar says trying to see his back.

"The area by your shoulder blades is all red and puffy. Can you not feel it?" Doc asks

"I can't feel anything wrong,"

"Can I touch it, I want to see what's happening,"

"Go ahead," Doc has Scar sit on the edge of his block and gently pokes his back where it was inflamed. "I can't feel that,"

"Like at all?" Cub says leaning over one of his chairs.

"I can't feel the area around my shoulder blades I can feel around that,"

"Ok, we wait for a few days and then see if anything happens."


"So, I think we know what was up with your back," Cub says one morning looking down at Scars back.

"What do ya mean?"

"Whatever the meteor did to you, it took the ConVex to a new level. Look," Cub says holding a mirror up so Scar could see his back, that now had a pair of spindly Vex like wings growing out of his back.

"Oh," he whispers sitting up staring in awe of the new limbs. Scar reaches back to feel them and the instant his fingers come in contact with them he jerks his him back.

"What is it. Does it hurt,"

"No, it feels weird. I can feel my hands touching them and it's a new sensation."

"I'm going to call Doc, he should be in area 77 today, I'll ask him if the meteor is doing anything special." As Cub calls Doc, Scar is busy seeing what the wings can do. It took a couple of minutes but eventually, Scar was able to get the wings to unfurl and spread out he gives them an experimental flap and ends up in one of the hanging lights.

"Cub! Help." Scar yells holding onto the chain.

"Where'd you go?" Cub asks looking around.

"Up, in the light,"

"How? You know what never mind," Cub grabs a few fireworks, launches himself into the air, lands on the light and rescues Scar who once rescued clings onto his back.

"I flapped them once and wound up there," Scar says in self-defense, still holding on to Cubs back.

"Well they are Vex wings and Vex only flap their wings to gain altitude at insane rates, well there wings do flutter but they don't flap,"


"If it makes you feel better Doc says that there's no readings or anything coming off the meteor.

Wait a minute. Vex fly by just wanting to go in the direction they're heading in. Try doing that,"

Doing as Cub suggested Scar starts to hover next to his head. "Cub, you are a Genius,"

"Thank you. Anyway, Xisuma and Doc are going to stop by and see exactly what has happened,"


"So, you were asleep?" Doc confirms as he finishes talking to Scar about what had happened.

Scar nods as he flies off the table and onto the back of a chair. "Yep, Cub woke me up and told me that it happened,"

"You have to admit it's pretty cool," Cub says with a shrug.

"That it is, my friend, " Xisuma says as scar flies of the chair and into the air.


End of Scars bit.

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