White Fur 2: Foxes

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The bright lights of Three Fox hole glitter under the moonlight. Etho's been staying with Beef for a few days just to make sure he doesn't get hurt or stuck anywhere. It doesn't help that Doc thinks the meteor is going to spike soon. As such Etho has been staying with various hermits for his safety.

Yawning he slowly stretches out. He's been slightly achy all day. He doesn't mention anything to Beef about it. Thinking it's just from the cold weather, so Etho just sticks it out and doesn't mention it. Not wanting Beef to worry for nothing, that would just stress him out.

They'd gone looking for striders earlier so they are both pretty tired from that. Beef flicks his tail as he shows Etho to the guest house, "You can stay here."

"Thanks, Beef," Etho says, his tails wrapping around his waist as he smiles up at his friend.

Beef carefully kneels down and hugs him, "No problem."

As Etho gets ready to go to bed the slight ache fades away. Not really questioning it he falls asleep. A few hours later he wakes up and lays where he is for a few minutes. Something feels off, but he can't quite place his finger on it.

Rolling to his feet he yelps as he falls a lot further than he expected. Landing on all fours he winces as his legs bend awkwardly. Letting out a nervous chitter he looks down at himself. Four legs, all covered in a thick layer of snow-white fur. Whimpering he tucks his paws over his head.

Struggling to stand he barks out a cry. He continues to bark and cry out for help. After almost thirty minutes the sound of hooves against concrete sounds. Pushing himself into a sitting position he yelps a little louder.

"Calm down, calm down, I've got you," Beef murmurs as he cautiously picks the small fox up. Etho's dual tails curling around his arm.

Etho chirps and nuzzles into the centaur's shoulder. Walking slowly back into his house Beef deposits the shaking fox onto his bed. Carefully he lays down on his side. He lets Etho clumsily make his way onto his back and they fall asleep.

The next morning Etho yawns and wiggles off of Beef's back. He slowly makes his way up to his head. Raising a paw he bops Beef's face.

"Hm?" Beef mutters as he wakes up. He blinks confused for a moment before he remembers. Standing up he carefully picks the fox and brings him over to the kitchen table.

Setting him down at one end Beef sets a pile of sweet berries at the other. Etho narrows his eyes. He sees what Beef's doing. On shaking legs he stands, one paw after another he slowly painstakingly makes it to the berries.

As he makes it to the berries, he sits down and flicks his tails around himself. Carefully he leans down and takes one.

Beef grins and takes one, "I'm going to call Doc."

Etho nods as he carefully tries to stand. This time he manages to successfully walk around on the table. He jumps off and crashes into the floor. With a yelp, he carefully stands back up.

Slowly he pads after Beef, his claws clicking softly against the stone floors. As he follows after him he notices something kinda odd. The pads of his paws have fur covering them. He makes a confused huffing noise and continues his exploration.

He stops following Beef and wanders off on his own. Marveling at the cyberpunk city Etho slinks along the edge of the street. After a while, he turns a corner and comes face to face with Doc.

He makes an excited gicker, turns tail, and bolts. Doc runs after him in an attempt to catch the runaway fox. Etho stops at the bend in the road and looks back. Once Doc is a few feet away he takes off again and runs. This happens again and again until he starts to get tired.

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