Flying Feathers 4: Fly Time

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It's been a long few weeks and Grian is ready for it to be over, the meteor had not been kind to him, instead giving him one of the most extreme changes yet. He's currently in the shopping district trying to Build a shop that looks like Grumbot. His wings flex as he jumps off the roof and onto some scaffolding that he had set up.

Tango spots the gremlin and walks over, "Hey Grian do you have a minute?"

Grian looks up and smiles happy to have an excuse to stop working, "Hey Tango, what can I do for you?"

"I was hoping to help you," Tango starts as his wings flare out behind him, "I can help teach you how to take care of your wings and help you fly."

Grian looks up at Tango before rushing forwards and hugging him.

Tango laughs and plucks Grian up and flies off to his towers.

"So the first thing you should know is preening," Tango starts as he hands Grian a few of the tools he uses to preen himself.

Tango sits down behind Grian and starts preening his feathers carefully straightening each one as he goes. Grian chirps softy.

After a few hours, all of Grian's feathers have been properly cleaned and now Tango wants him to try and preen his wings, "Just don't yank on the feathers, you're not going to hurt me."

"But what if I do?"

"It would have been an accident and I would be fine," Tango says, easing Grian's fear.

Grian nods and carefully starts preening Tango's feathers. After a few moments he lets instinct take over and he's able to get a good chunk of his wing done.

After about thirty minutes Tango has him stop, "You got this so we're going to move on to flying. Follow me."

Grian hops up and walks after Tango. They make it to Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated and are standing on the balcony. Tango steps to the edge and spreads his wings flapping them and hovering in the air for a moment, "So, you have elliptical wings like a sparrow or a crow. That's good for short bursts of fast flight. You're going to need to flap them a lot. Can you do that now?"

"Um, sure," Grian says flapping his wings without taking off, "what kind of wings are yours?"

"I have hovering wings, hawks have them too. Not very fast but I can stay in one place for a while."

Grian nods and stops flapping.

"Take my hand," Tango says, reaching over to Grian. He shrugs and accepts his hand, "Ok, now I want you to try and take off."

Grian falters, before straightening up and beating his wings. He accomplishes getting into the sky where Tango takes off as well, flying just beneath him as not to get hit by his wings.

After a few minutes in the air just above Tango's balcony, Tango starts leading him over to the edge.

Before suddenly letting go and watching as Grian catches the air by himself. Tango flings himself after him and easily catches up flying next to Grian whose face is white with shock, "Why would you do that!"

"I'm not sure, instinct I guess. I thought if you would go by yourself you'd need some encouragement."

"If you call encouragement throwing someone off a roof"

Tango laughs and lands gracefully onto Impulses base. Grian hesitates for a moment before he lands next to him far less gracefully and nearly faceplants.


Mumbo hums to himself as he rummages through his storage system. Nothing big has happened lately, Grian was off doing who knows what. He went to the shopping district a while ago and has yet to return. Iskall's playing with Vee and Echo.

Mumbo stands up stretching his arms out and is promptly knocked to the ground, followed by a loud startled squawk. Frowning, he sits up, "What?"

Grian is laying sprawled out on the grass, wings twitching slightly and blushing bright red, "Sorry?"

"Why'd you..." Mumbo asks as he stands up brushing dirt off his suit.

"Oh, Um. I tried to land on your arm? I don't know why I was flying over and I thought I'd come to say hi and then you moved your arm out and My brain just kind of went, Ooh good landing spot." Grian rabbles as he starts to stand.

Mumbo bursts out laughing, "Oh goodness, that's absolutely hilarious."

"No, it's not," Grian protests as he wraps himself in his wings.

Mumbo looks off for a moment thinking before he decides, "Hm, it's hilarious."

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