Flying Feathers 5: Wet Wings Are Not Fun

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Grian lands on Larry the snail and swipes the door once again. He chirps softly before flitting away towards his base. Landing carefully on the roof of the mansion he giggles. It had been a long day and it's growing late so Grian walks inside.

Yawning, he makes dinner, eats it, and stumbles to his room. He falls face-first into his pillows quickly falling asleep. At some point during the night, he awakes.

Groaning softly Grian sits up, it's still dark out and no one else on the server is awake. He sits perched on the edge of his bed confused. There was nothing around him that could have woken him up. Shrugging Grian lies down wrapping himself in his wings and a blanket.

Sleep doesn't come. Eventually, he's able to fall back into a restless slumber. As the sun streams through his window he wakes. Looking at his communicator he sees a message from Iskall asking if he would be able to drop off a few diamonds to Ren.

Grian types out a response saying he would stop by to pick them up and take them over to Ren. He gets up and starts getting ready. His sweater had been modified to fit with his wings and his pants had been adjusted for his tail feathers.

Once he's properly dressed he hops outside and takes off heading towards the mega tree. He lands carefully on a branch. Walking towards the opening he opens his wings puffing up his feathers as he yawns.

He glides down to where Iskall is waiting with the diamonds, "Thanks man, sorry I wasn't able to take them."

"Na, it's fine, I need to practice landing and stuff anyways," Grian says, grabbing the diamonds with one of his talons and taking off towards Ren's base.

He clumsily lands on one foot, next to Ren, and hands him the diamond blocks, "Iskall had me bring these over."

"Thanks, man," Ren says giving Grian a high five.

Grian waves as he takes off back towards his mansion. Once there he flies up into a corner of the main hall and lightly preens his feathers.

After about thirty minutes a clatter near the entrance peaks his attention. So he hops down and lands near the entrance.

It's Doc, the creeper is hissing angrily at something in his hands.

"Doc? You ok?"

He looks up noticing Grian for the first time, "I can't get this open," He admits holding it out to Grian.

It's a cocoa pod. Grian takes it and smacks it into a corner. It splits open, "There you go," He chirps handing it back to Doc.

"Thanks," Doc grumbles, "I need to ask you something. Do you need a nest now?"

It takes a few minutes for Grian to answer, "I, uh, yes? I think so."

Doc nods, "Your part parrot, they normally nest in hollows. I'll come back tonight with Tango to help you."

Grian nods as he watches the creeper retreat into the forest clutching the cocoa pod.

After sitting around for a while, Grian decides to go visit the mega tree. As he arrives he sees the honey-filled hollow and carefully lands in a spot that wasn't covered.

After a minute he scrambles out of the hollow and clings onto the tree's bark.

After a while of messing around on the tree, Grian spots Tango and flies up to meet him.

The two exchange greetings and head together towards the mansion.

Once there they spot Doc and rush over to him. He has Grian bring them to his room so they could get started.

A few hours later and the nest was completed. It's an odd sort of hut formed over Grian's bed, the outside appears wooden but the inside is lined with multiple blankets and pillows.


Grian flaps his wings trying to regain altitude. He falls splashing into the ocean. Etho had flown past and startled him out of the sky. Unfortunately, he was in too much of a hurry to stop and see if Grian was alright.

Spitting out water Grian swims towards the shore. Thankfully it is near Iskall's starter base so he isn't too far from his home.

Shaking his wings in an attempt to dry them he stumbles forwards almost falling from the added weight. As he steps forwards he realizes, walking home with wet wings was going to suck.

He hadn't previously realized just how bad his situation was. His wings were soaked, his tail feathers bent slightly out of place. Not to mention he had left his communicator at home And on top of all of that, it was getting dark.

Remembering the nether portal in Iskall's basement he drags himself inside only to frown when his wings won't fit. After contemplating his options he starts the long journey home.

Hours Later he walks past the hermit challenges and stops for a bit. Groaning he flexes his wings and frowns when they are still full of water.

He continues walking home. Eventually, he makes it, he stumbles into his room and collapses into his nest.

The next morning he wakes up and spends almost four hours preening his wings and tail. He was preening in his starter base so he doesn't make a huge mess in his mansion. After he's done he gathers up all of the feathers that had fallen out and shoved them into a chest.

Feeling much better now that his wings weren't full of water and dirt he flaps them experimentally and nods satisfied.


I'm probably not going to do one that's five chapters again.

Next up to be affected is Beef, so if you have any suggestions for him let me know.

 (I know I said cub but I'm doing something with MCC so... yeah)

Next work will involve MCC, if you want to know what exactly I'm doing look at my  announcements.

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