Moving Servers

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One by one the hermits start popping into existence in the new world that Xisuma had found for them, hopefully without the meteor continuing to mess with their lives. There were a few ecstatic cries as old friends previously thought to be lost in the jungle forever reappear. Bdubs dissolves into laughter at seeing his friends again and Doc starts hissing with excitement. This may have been a mistake as Xb and Hypno haven't really interacted with Doc before and get startled into thinking he's an actual Creeper that spawned on the island with them.

Before anything can happen Xisuma in his new yellow armor manages to stop a fight from Breaking out.

When Xisuma gets in between Hypno and Doc, Hypno inhales sharply, "Xisuma? Is that you?"

Now all eyes were on Xisuma. The returning Hermits all in varying degrees of shock, the Hermits present from Season six crowd in and help explain that Xisuma had been altered by a meteor that caused problems all over the server. Cub helps prove this by holding Scar upon his hand. Ren flicks his ears up on top of his head so they were a little bit more visible. Doc just stands there awkwardly before taking off his lab coat and twitching his stubby little tail.

"Oh, dang that's..." Beef trails off, "That's insane,"

As the rest of the hermits start to pop in it becomes shockingly clear that there were two missing.

"Hey, guys? Where's Wels and Python?" Jevin asks, a bit confused.

Before anyone could answer Mumbo starts to sway on his feet. Before anyone could catch him he falls. Splashing into the ocean. Iskall and Grian look at each other for a split second before running over and fishing him out.

MumboJumbo has powered off

The returning Hermits look at each other confused before Doc explains that Mumbo's essentially a Redstone contraption and being dunked into water will cause him to power off until he gets dried off.

"We'll stay here, can someone get a boat?" Grian asks as he and Iskall attempt to dry Mumbo off.

"I'll go get some, It'll be useful to have some over here," Joe says, swimming off in the direction of land. Most of the hermits decide this a good time to start heading off and after making sure Mumbo would be fine leave to go and find places to start building. Soon the only ones left on the small island were Mumbo, Iskall, Grian, Doc, and Bdubs.

They sit in silence for a while before Grian suddenly jumps to his feet, and shouts"Redstone!"

This got everyone up. "Crap," Doc whispers, pulling his communicator out.

Docm77: does anyone have RedStone yet?

Xb: I've found one

Docm77: can we have it?

Xb: um sure

Docm77: You went with Xisuma right?

Xb: yes

EvilXisuma: he's trying to fix something right now

Etho: how are you back?

EvilXisuma: been back darling

EvilXisuma: I can take it for you,

Docm77: thanks

In a small flash of light, EvilXisuma appears on the island and hands Doc the Redstone and a stick. Doc makes a torch and sets it next to Mumbo's unconscious form. A few moments pass before Mumbo starts to cough and sit up. "Forgot about that," He mumbles under his breath. Grian smiles a bit and laughs. About five more minutes and Joe was on his way back with a bunch of boats. Allowing Mumbo to get started on his base and until he got completely set up he would regularly receive Redstone from the other hermits.

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