preparing for change 1: Brobots

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Fluttering his wings Grian lands on the top of Grumbot's virtual reality. Mumbo lands next to him.

"Mumbo," Grian sighs, "I want to bring them."

Nodding Mumbo's eyes turn yellow, "I have some plans for bodys."

Grian's eyes light up, "Awesome," hs flips his communicator over to Mumbo.

"Our sons, aww," Mumbo's eyes flicker into a light pink, "We're going to do amazing," He looks at his plans, "Can you get Jrum over here?"

Fluffing his wings Grian flutters over to the Jrum shop and lands next to the semi human form, "Hey Jrum," he chirps.

"Hi," Jrum waves, "What can I help you with?"

"I have a surprise for you, can you come over to Grum with me?" Grian asks stuttering over a few words.

Jrum's eyes light up and he spins excitedly, "A surprise for me!"

"Yep," Grian coos.

Narrowing his eyes, Jrum looks up at Grian, "A nice surprise?"

"A nice surprise," Grian echoes.

Jrum follows Grian back to the virtual reality box, Jrum is happily rolling around as Grian flutters towards the large form of Grumbot.


"Ok Grum," Mumbo sighs, "We're going to fix you."

Grum spits out a bit of ticker tape that reads, "I trust you dad."

Mumbo smiles, "How do you feel about getting a human sized body."

"I would like that," The next bit of tape reads.

"We won't let you stay behind," Mumbo murmurs as he pulls a few panels open.

Grum stays silent as Mumbo deactivates him and does some repairs that were needed. Pulling some pre-made redstone and iron out he assembles a robotic body for the robot.

As Grian and Jrum arrive, Mumbo pops his head up and waves before returning to his work.

"What's the surprise?" Jrum asks slowly.

"You are coming to sss..."

"Season," Mumbo supplies.

"Season eight with us," Grian grins.

Jrum's face lights up, "i love you."

"We're going to give you and your brother more human-like forms," Grian explains, "So you aren't stuck in the shopping area again."

Whizzing Jrum spins around for a moment before allowing himself to fully deactivate. With Grian's help humanoid bodies are constructed.

As Grumbot slowly wizzes awake the first thing he sees is Mumbo's smiling face, "Dad?" He asks as he slowly moves his hands, "Dad."

Hopping over Grian wraps Grum into his wings, Grian is left speechless as he hugs his sun properly for the first time.

Mumbo smiles as wide as he can, "Let's wake Jrum up then make sure you're both moving properly."

Grum nods excited and watches as his dads wake his brother up.

Jrum is small, "He's little?"

Grian looks over, "Yeah, he was coded more as a child so his body is supposed to be around eight years old."

Grum nods, "And how old am I?"

"About eighteen," Mumbo grins.

"Daddy?" Jurm chirps as Grian helps him sit up.

"Can you wiggle your fingers for me?" Grian asks.

Moving his hand around, Jrum grins widely, "I can move so much more."

As they check reflexes and how they should move, Doc runs into the room.

His moss wiliting he hisses, "Mumbo we need you in my basement now."

"What's happened?" Mumbo asks confused.

"Get you robotic stuff," Doc wispers, "It's bad, Ren's hurt. He- he's in a mega hub hospital."

"I'm coming," Mumbo nods, "Grian, can you get them clothes?"

Grian nods as Mumbo and Doc rush off into the night. 

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