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Gently fingering her antlers, Gem frowns into the water below. She knew the risk when she joined. She knew this would happen, well not this exactly but, she knew the meteor would get her.

It was a risk he was willing to take.

And now she's paid the price.

She reminded the meteor of 'Lady Vex' whoever she really was. Sure all the hermits have been told the stories but, it never really answered who she was. And because of some mysterious resemblance, she can shape shift.

It wasn't even a bad transformation. She basically just gained the ability to shapeshift and talk to animals.

But the fact it was based on someone else.

That's not a good feeling.

Being compared to others never feels good.

But being compared to someone who is basically a goddess. She shudders slightly. It just feels wrong.

The vex mobs are still missing from the worlds.

Only three have been spotted, flitting from world to world, never touching anything, never killing, they just appear then vanish, fading into a silvery mist.

They frequently visit the hermits basking in Joe's presence and helping their crops grow.

Gem's been avoiding them, the heartbroken look on their faces is too much. Avar made her magic feel like their mother's. Every time they enter a room with her in it they perk their heads up. Looking for her, but it's always Gem, just Gem. Never who they really want to see.

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