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Looking out from her base, Stress shudders as the sun sets. Wanting something different she ducks into the nether to head over to a friends base.

The whole meteor thing has gotten her all shaken up. Turning her into a fairy was a strange but understandable thing.

It's been really weird.

Learning to control new powers, and deal with changing her height, it's been pretty rough but she's getting there.

The problem was Scar.

He hadn't been in the same size scale with anyone else for a few years.

So with Stress suddenly the same size, he's been coming over every chance he gets. Stress does her best, she really does. But it's a little bit stressful.

She needs the time to process, she wants to help Scar. But she needs to help herself first.

He's a little overbearing with the constant chatter and need to keep busy. That's just not her.

Stress wants to slow down, process everything that's happened.

That's why she's currently Invading Iskall's base.

Quietly helping with the gardens.

It's peaceful.

She's learning to control her powers and escape from the chaotic mess that's the server right now.


Scar's trying, but he doesn't quite see how Stress is getting annoyed with his coming over.

They really need to talk it out.

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