Breaking Bedrock 2: (insert rock pun here)

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Impulse walks towards his shops and marvels at the beautiful, chaotic mess that makes up the shopping district. Both Tango and Zedaph are busy today so Impulse is in the shopping district where there are lots of people coming and going so if something were to happen it wouldn't be too bad. It's fairly common for those who are currently being affected to stay in the commonly trafficked areas.

He calmly watches as Keralis, Xisuma, Beef, and Etho connect the main road they have been working on to the shopping district. It's a clever way to avoid the nether for those whose instincts don't like it and it makes it easier to access main areas for the people who can't fly.

As they get closer Impulse shoves the diamonds he's been holding back into his ender chest and heads over to talk to them.

Xisuma walks over and immediately notices something, looking deep into his eyes, "Are your eyes ok?"

"What do you mean?" Impulse asks confusion, lacing his voice. He hasn't noticed anything wrong with his eyesight or felt any new bedrock patches around his eyes. So he carefully reaches up and feels around the corners of his eyes.

"They look like the void," Xisuma explains as he gently wags his tail and pulls his hands away from his face, "Is it too bright?"

"Wait what? Void, I haven't really noticed anything," He mutters as he looks at his reflection on his communicator. His eyes had turned pitch black with little flecks of color that look like stars.

"That's really pretty," Keralis buzzes as he comes up behind them. Beef nods in agreement and flicks his tail gently. Etho had run over to one of his shops and was messing with some redstone.


Xisuma looks at him for a moment before making a decision, "Alright, come on let's get you home."

As he helps Impulse up the pair start walking towards the newly constructed bridge, the other three look at each other and head off in the general direction of their bases Etho walking alongside Beef and Keralis on his back catching a ride. Naturally, Beef was a bit nervous and confused at what Keralis was doing bit after the first few times he got used to it.

As Xisuma walks along with Impulse they start talking and are able to figure out some things like his eyes have changed color but his pupils remain the same size as usual. So not much has changed with how he sees.

As they near his base the sand Impulse is standing on gives way. Thankfully he doesn't fall far and only ends up with a small scrape on his arm. He clambers out of the pit and dusts his clothes off before inspecting the scrape. It's not too bad, just a bit of skin taken off.

As expected blood is slowly dripping from the cut. Unexpectedly the blood looks like the void. As he arrives home Impulse washes the scrape out then returns to the main room to talk with Xisuma.

"How's your arm?"

"Other than the scrape, it's all good," Impulse explains twisting his arm to show him the band-aid.

Xisuma nods, "That's good. Does anything feel different from the last time we talked?"

"Um... not really, I think my eyes are a little more sensitive?" Impulse muses as he looks around his base.

"That would make sense, in that case, I would get some sunglasses just in case things get too bright."

Impulse nods, "I'll do that."

"So, were you previously aware that your blood looks like the void?"

"No. I didn't think anything had happened after three days ago, when these showed up," He answers, referring to the little patches of bedrock splattered around his skin.

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