Timmy The Wonder Pig

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"So Pearl," Impulse grins looking over at the amethyst hut containing Timmy, "You need some more calcite don't you?"

"Yeah, I need more sails," She grins softly.

Impulse rubs at a patch of bedrock on his wrist, "I haven't checked Timmy in a while so maybe he'll have more."

Pearl grins, "Let's check it out."

Opening the chest Reveals eight stacks of calcite, "Oh..." Pearl hums.

"That's a lot of calcite."

Pearl nods, "I kinda want it."

Impulse looks down at the calcite and over at the pig, "We could get rid of the evidence..."

Smirking Pearl rolls he eyes, "I see nothing."

They divide all the stuff from the chest amongst each other and look at the code pig.

"Soooo," Impulse hums, "Get rid of the evidence?"

Walking back to his base he grabs a saddle, fishing rod and a carrot.

"Impulse, the boatem hole," Pearl warns.

Impulse looks in front of himself and frowns, "Oh..." and he's falling. Taking the pig right into the void.

Void looks mildly surprised when Impulse and a pig drop down into It's domain.

Void blinks mildly surprised, "Why did you bring a pig?"

"Didn't mean to," Impulse laughs nervously rubbing patch of bedrock on his neck, "I fell in."

Smiling fondly, Void pats the pigs head, "His behavior is... odd."

"Oh, Uh it's a code pig? Not really sure how to describe it, but it's real but at the same time it's not. Code animals where cloned by the watchers and lost a lot of instincts and stuff."

"Are all animals like this?" Void asks curiously.

"No, just some, mostly on play worlds."

Void nods satisfied, "I will keep this one, it is... fascinating."

Impulse nods awkwardly and grips his rockets, "If I fly up will I reach the overworld?"

"No child," Void shakes it's head, "Sit down, I will bring you back."

Sinking into a poof Impulse sits with Void and talks for a few minutes before falling asleep. He wakes up with Pearl looking down at him with wide eyes.

"How did you not die? You were in there for hours. Then you just reappeared."

Impulse grins softly, "What can I say, the Void likes me."


The next night is Friday game night, Tango, Impulse, Pearl, and Etho, playing among us with friends and family.

Tonight's group includes, Impulse, Etho, Pearl, Mr. Joker, Endless, Br0dy, Mrs.T, Evil, Astro, and Tango. As usual the game is among us.

Tango's a bit uncomfortable at first since he's ten from an unexpected respawn a few days prior; Copper farms are a hazard, but he gets back into the swing of things.

There's a few mistakes here and there, venting next to people, getting caught mid stab, but it's all in the fun of the game. One time Tango made the mistake of saying he's the imposter right at the start. After a bit of playful teasing they let him go and pretend he didn't say anything.

Joker's reaction to him was one of the best, "What!? Oh no, I've been impaled."

Fluffing his wings out around himself Tango laughs and moves his blob around to find a new target.

Much later in the night they're talking and trying to figure out who did the stabbing when Impulse laughs, "She's still mad about Timmy."

Pearl shakes her head, "Poor Timmy falling into the void."

Letting out a strangled gasp, Tango yelps, "WHAT."

"Nothing," Impulse murmurs in unison with Pearl, "Forget it."

"Mrs.T, you hear this?" Tango laughs, "They've attacked my pig."

The rest of the night goes smoothly and by the end of it Tango's falling asleep as they talk.


The next morning Tango walks down towards the boatem town. He spots the place where the cave of wonders used to be and runs into Impulse's base.

"Wake up," He mutters, pulling Impulse out of bed.


"What did you do to Timmy?" Tango growls staring down at Impulse.

"He might have ended up in the void..." Impulse murmurs. Slowly sitting up Impulse looks at Tango, "Timmy's ok."

"That doesn't make it better..." He storms out, not listening to what Impulse is saying.

"Tango come back."

Running Tango ends up in the spawn egg and texts Mrs.T and a few others. Skimming over the details of what happened.

After a while Cub gets brought in and he's kicked out. Ren helps him get back to his base, or to Keralis' really.

Flopping down on a couch he's soon joined by one of Keralis's dogs. The next time he wakes up he's fifteen. Blushing softly at his reaction to the pig he looks at his communicator then puts it in his pocket. He can talk to Impulse later. Right now he's going to work on his farms.

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