Dog Days

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Padding softly after Grian and Impulse, Ren does his best to keep up with them. Walking on four legs isn't as easy as it looks.

Tripping over his paws again Ren takes a moment to sit down.

Spotting him, Grian runs over to him, "Still not used to this?"

Ren shakes his head. Panting he waves his front paws around.

Jogging over Impulse grins, "Found them," He holds Ren's sunglasses out and shows them to the wolf.

Barking happily he wags his tail, the glasses had fallen off as he transformed for the full moon and had gotten lost in Hermit Land.

Grian takes the glasses and with a sharp smile plonks them on Ren's face.

Impulse snorts.

"We need more," Grian gasps.

Ren grins as well as he can and trots over to and ender chest. Bapping it with a paw he lets Grian open it for him and pull out his clothing box.

There's more than just clothes in it since the hermits gave him a bunch of dog stuff.

"You have boots?" Grian gasps.

Ren nods, Doc had gotten them as a joke... he didn't really think he would use them.

As Grian puts the boots on Ren, Impulse laughs and helps Ren get his shirt on.

Looking over at Impulse, Grian grins, "Hey, we should go for a drive."

Impulse bursts out laughing, "Ren what do you think?"

Ren jumps to his paws and stamps around trying to get back to balance. He makes it over to the road trip van.

"That's a yes," Impulse laughs.

Grian opens the door for Ren and the Wolf promptly sticks his head out the window.

"Impulse," Grian whispers, "I'm going to die of cuteness."

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