Comfort Is found In Words And Actions Part2: TFC

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As TFC throws himself into his work in the mines he can't help but notice just how different it is.

He knows he was changed by the meteor.

There is a difference.

But he didn't expect it to be like this.

It feels almost too normal. The golden scaring never bothered him, It looks pretty cool after all.

But the gems and Crystal taking over his leg, that he could go without.

The stone skin doesn't bother him, he has his normal skin tone and he moves just as easily as ever.

But that doesn't explain why he feels so weird about everything.

The other hermits are giving him space.

He's not crowded, but he's shown up to plenty of events, so he's not lonely or feeling isolated.

The powers and night vision are nice.

It could just be the fact he was unwillingly changed. Yeah that's probably it. 

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