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Energy crackles through the air as the bolt of lightning crashes into the ground, nearly hitting Doc and Mumbo.

"We should get out of here," Doc hisses, baring his fangs at the growing storm clouds.

Mumbo nods sharply and starts gathering his redstone supplies, "Yeah." He looks towards the growing storm, "It wouldn't be good to get caught in that."

As they start walking for the nether portal lightning strikes again.

Mumbo spots Docs arm sparking and then a loud pop fills the air.

Mumbo Jumbo was struck by lighting

Mumbo Jumbo Powered Down

Shaking his head Mumbo looks over at Grian who's perched on a chair next to his bed.

"Ugh, is Doc ok?" Mumbo asks as soon as his processors are on enough to remember what happened.

"Uh we haven't heard from him." Iskall hums, "I'll call X."


Doc doesn't know what happened, hissing he shakes his head and tries to get the metal plating of his face and arm. Bringing a paw up he brushes at his moss then crouches down and watches the swirling purple portal in front of him.

Something was definitely wrong.

All systems offline. He's stuck with the creeper brain.

Not good.

Doc curls up under a tree and watches. Waiting to be found.

A few hours later Xisuma runs through the portal. Once he spots Doc he walks over and stops when he sees the deactivated technology, "Oh that's not good." As he starts pacing he slowly draws closer and closer to Doc's side.

Doc presses his nose into Xisuma's hand then lets out a low rumbling purr.

At the nape of Doc's neck there's a tiny switch. Once it's flicked Doc's eye glows red.

"Ugh, I hate when that happens," He hisses out, "Thanks man."


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