Baring Your Fangs

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Tango can feel the tears welling up in his eyes. But right now. He can't be bothered to care.

Sitting on the floor of his base he chucks the sandle across the room. The Nether did help him and get his muscle memory back. Neither of them accounted for the fact that Tango's hands are just too small and lack the dexterity to do some things.

And one of those things happens to be shoes today.

So now there's a problem.

He's not asking for help. He can put his own shoes on. Normally.

And he really wants to avoid asking for help.

The effort he's put into not being babied, it will not be wasted over a pair of shoes.

Looking out the window into the spawn town Tango sighs.

He's bored.

And lonely...

Throwing himself down on the couch he whimpers and glares at the ceiling.

This was a stupid idea.

He knows what happens when he dies, but he keeps doing it. It's a way of communication sometimes. A dramatic flare. Scare your friends.

But now he just feels like crap. Yes it's his fault, but it's not his fault that he can't do anything.

Growling he Rips his claws down the fabric on the couch. Deep gashes are left in the fabric. Tail twitching Tango pokes his fangs over his lips. Pouncing he jumps on a pillow that had tumbled to the ground.

Feathers shoot up into the air. He bits down on the pillow and shakes it.

It feels good.

So he keeps going.

Ripping the furniture up and knocking over pots. Up turning his chests. Spilling their contents all over the floor.

Claw marks maul the walls and the floors. Feathers are everywhere.

Blood speckles the floor. He bit his lip and got his fingertips all torn up while attacking the floor.

A knock comes from the door. Tango scuries under the table.

"tango, you in here?" A minute later, "I'm coming in... TANGO!"

Tucking his head into his wings Tango hisses.

Impulse snaps his head over and looks under the table, "Are you ok?"

He doesn't react. He just sits there.

"Tango, buddy, can you come over here?" Impulse slowly sits down on the floor. The rock patches making it difficult for him to sit on the floor.

"Leave me alone." Tango thrashes his tail.

Impulse sighs, "I can't, you want to tell me why you trashed your place?"


"Don't know why you did it or don't want to talk?"

"I don't know why." Tango snaps looking over to his friend, his hair shimmering with heat, "I just did."

"Were you upset?"

"What do you think?"

Impulse frowns, "Want to tell me why?"

"No." Tango hisses, coiling his tail and fluffing his wings.

Standing up, Impulse shrugs, "Ok then."

Tango waits silently for him to leave, but he just stands at the table waiting.

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