An arm (or four) and a Leg

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Keralis flutters his wings as Tango and Bdubs drag him over to the gas station. Blinking harshly as they grab his hands... the new hands.

Not wanting to make a scene he slowly attempts to pull his hands back.

"Nope, not getting out of this one," Tango laughs, plonking a pair of glasses on Keralis's nose.

With one of his hands that's not being held Keralis adjusts the glasses, "Where are we going?"

"Over to Gem's base," Bdubs laughs, "We have something to show you."

"Could you let me go?" Keralis murmurs looking up at them with his bing pleading eyes.

"Nope," Bdubs laughs, "Tango has given me immunity to the puppy eyes."

"Tango, sweet face," Keralis grins, "Next time you respawn there will be revenge."

"I expect this," Tango smirks, "I'll be ready for it," (he was not in fact ready for the next respawn.)

Keralis sighs, "Could we swap the hands at least?"

"Hmm, ohhh, yeah," Bdubs and Tango change the hands they're holding.

"Still sensitive?" Tango asks.

"Yeah," Keralis takes the new arms and draws them to his chest, "Yeah, they still feel. Wrong"

Tango nods softly, "Yeah."

Keralis sighs, "It's like when you're a kid and don't have the muscle memory to grip things or tie things that well. I have to relearn everything."

"What can you do?" Bdubs asks, "That's one of the next things to remember."

"I can tie a bow... and write, handwriting looks really bad, I've been working on the hand puzzle things."

Tango grins, "See you're getting there."

"I heard you have to do handwriting practice," Keralis grins, "Is that true?"

Blushing slightly, Tango sighs, "Yeah, Impulse saw that my handwriting was getting a bit weird after I got back to normal when I respawn, so I have to do a little bit every day when I'm a kid."

"I was wondering," Keralis hums, "Do you mind being coddled when you're a kid?"

"Ehh, i like it most of the time, good attention, but it gets annoying when I don't feel like being a kid..." Tango sighs, "sorry, it's hard to explain."

Stretching out his wings Keralis rubs at his back.

"Oh yeah," Bdubs grins, "How's flying going?"

"It's pretty good," Keralis groans, "I hurt everywhere."

Yawning Bdubs laughs, flicking his tail around, "Oh I feel that."

Keralis buzzes his wings, "Ok we're here, now what?"

"We got new stock," Bdubs grins, showing Keralis the new chest, "And a hidden entrance to a break room in case someone needs it."

"Why secret?" Keralis grins.

"So it's not super noticeable," Tango nods, "And people can't leave the doors open."

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