Like glitter and gold

411 21 50

Deep in the mines TFC is hard at work. Due to some unfortunate events he hasn't been on the server as much as he's liked. The hermits haven't been pressing about what's been happening with him simply allowing him to come and go. He's lost a leg and while a natural injury like that can't just be replaced the watchers have helped him get back to as normal as possible.

He's able to walk around and the best way for him is to keep

His base is slowly but surely coming together, towering up towards the world height. The others often stop by to chat and help out when needed.

As he delves down deeper and deeper into his tunnels something draws his attention up to a flickering light in the cave above.

TFC grins, "Mineshaft," as he climbs up he finds a chest. It's covered with a thick layer of dust.

Opening it reveals a glimmer of gold.


Delving ever deeper into his mine TFC lays down mine tracks for an easy way out. On long mining sessions like this one it's not uncommon for the man to simply sleep out in the mines. Returning to his room would waste time.


Hissing softly Doc glances towards the monitor. As is the normal of every two weeks or so the meteor has activated and some unlucky hermit has been targeted.

"So you're going to tell me why you hate the vex so much?" Doc asks as gold flakes off the meteor.

Words start to appear on the screen, "We liked her, and she liked us. Then one day she decided to just let us fight without help or advice."

"What were you fighting?"

"He called himself Hecatos, the soul leach . The more he killed the more power he gained," Avers screen flickers out moments after saying this.

"Ok then," Doc hums as he pulls his communicator out.

Still no one is saying they've been affected. Deciding to wait a few days to say anything about it Doc settles back and writes down some notes.

A few days pass and still there's been no word on who's been affected.

DocM77: Hey could the ones not affected come to the shopping district.

Stressmonster: yeah of course I'll be right over

HelsKnight: I'll be there

Biffa: I'm coming

TFC: I'll be there, just give me a bit I'm pretty far out at the moment.

Docm77: Ok, anyone think they're affected?

Biffa: all systems normal

HelsKnight: I feel fine

TFC: I couldn't say, I've been mining for days.

Stressmonster: yeah, I've been working hard so everything's a bit sore.

One by one the hermits arrive and Doc scans them

"Well, TFC is affected," He sighs, "I hope he gets here soon."

They wait in additajted silence.

"He's been quiet for a while, Doc what did the meteor look like."

"It had gold particles with like stone flakes."

"What if he turns to stone? Hels mutters, "It could happen right?"

"Maybe," Biffa murmurs.

"Is that him?' Hels asks pointing up at a gray shape floating down.

"Yep," Doc nods, "Hey TFC, over here."

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