birds of a feather 2: wings and things

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"Hey Hels," Cub grins, flicking his long cat-like tail, "Heard you had a transformation something like mine."

Hels waves slightly at the other hermit, "Yeah, we're thinking that I'm a griffin," He shuffles back awkwardly.

Running a hand through his hair, Cub shudders slightly; he's still not used to having hair, "That would make sense."

"So, any ideas of what's going to happen?" Hels shrugs.

"Wings," Tango nods, wiggling his tail, "And probably some instincts thrown in. After that, it could be anything."

"Great," Hels sighs.

Wings fluttering, Grian lands next to them, "Sorry... late."

Hels nods; the three had come over to help with what would happen with his transformation. It makes sense they would be helping and he's grateful for them.

They continue talking for a few hours, and Hels slowly grows more comfortable with them. They talk about what happened in their transformations. How they made adjustments and small changes. How they dealt with the larger changes. Things they still don't feel comfortable with.

They teach him about the different feathers and how to protect them.

Two small nubs have grown along his shoulder blades as his wings begin the slow agonizing process of growing. For days he's stuck in bed with Wels, Ex, Biffa, Cub, Tango, and Grian sitting around him.

They are absolute life savers. Distracting him from the pain and teaching him how to clean his feathers and how to protect them. They give him food and just help him.

The first day his wings are chicken sized and bald. He's able to wiggle them a little bit but he can't move them too well.

By the second day he has a thick layer of down feathers. His wings reach out to his elbows and he can flap them.

The third day brings the wings out to his fingertips. The contour and semiplume feathers grow and blend the wings into his back. Now with full control of his wings Tango and Grian start showing him how to move. Wels helping where he can.

The fourth and final day, his wings extend far past his fingertips almost double the length of his arms. The flight feathers grow and he's ready to start learning how to fly.

Grian and Tango kick the others out of the room as they sit him down.

"So, Uh now that your wings are...wings," Tango laughs slightly, "We'll show you how to preen them."

"If you need help doing this, you can always ask for help," Grian nods as he pulls his preening tools out of his ender chest.

Watching as they slowly walk up to him Hels nods and spreads his wings out at their prompting. As they slowly, gently preen his wings he buries his face in his hands.

"You ok?" Tango asks concern, filling his voice.

"I-I," Hels gently fingers his tail curled in his lap, "It feels good..."

Tango grins, "I know right. Like a hot shower after a long day."

Hels nods, "Yeah, something like that."

Chirping softly, Grian blinks, "When were you made?"

"June seventeenth?" Hels murmurs, "Why?"

"You're just over a year old..." Grian gasps.

Tango nods along, "is that why you're having a stronger reaction?"

"I don't know," Hels snorts, "What makes you think I know any more about this than you."

"Right, sorry," Tango laughs softly. Taking a wing he brushes though it and picks all the little imperfections out, "And with your feathers, be careful not to rub them the wrong way. There are little barbs that keep the feathers together so if they get messed up your flight might suffer."

Hels' face lights up, "That's right, I can fly."

"Get a hang of walking with the wings and tail first," Grian nods softly.

"That's a good first step," Tango nods, before cracking up at his accidental pun.

"Oh Grian," Hels murmurs, changing the subject, "How are Grum and Jrum doing?"

"They're doing good," Grian nods, "Jrum's been helping me set up villager trading, and Grums been helping Ren and Doc make... a thing."

The small talk continues as they finish preening his wings.

Then he stands up and nearly falls from the difference on balance. His tail didn't throw him off but the wings definitely are dragging him down. Stumbling back he takes the hands offered.

Hours and hours of practice later he's able to stand and then walk.

Grian heads back to his base after Scar sends him a message about an incident with the boatem pole.

Once he can walk they travel around the server so he can get more used to the difference in balance. The horse paths are coming in handy. It's a flat, easy walking surface.

They walk all the way down to world spawn and sit down in the egg. Wels sits by his brother and slowly hugs him.

Immediately his wings puff up, and a light blush speckles his face, "Why are you all being so nice to me?"

Keralis; who was in the egg talking to Impulse, clicks his tongue disapprovingly, "Hey now," He puts a pair of arms on his hips with the other crossed over his chest, "Why wouldn't we be nice to you?"

"I-I don't know," He whispers softly, "I can't..." He trails off in able to find the words.

Tango sits down next to him, "You haven't been with us that long, but you are just as important as anyone else."

Hels blushes brighter and hides himself in his large wings, "Thank you."

"No problem," Keralis buzzes, "it's what friends are for."

Chittering softly, Hels stands up and starts dragging Wels towards the door. They walk back in silence as Hels gently pets his tail.

"It still feels weird," He sighs, "Does it ever stop feeling weird?

Wels looks over at his brother and sighs, "I'm not sure..." He ficks his tail, "Somedays are better than others."

Hels sighs and drops his tail, "I-i, this is confusing.'

"New instincts?" Wels rubs at some scales.

"I think so? I want... a nest?"

Wels nods, "i can pull out some blankets and pillows,"

"Thanks," Hels murmurs nervously as they walk into the house. As they construct the nest Hels grins and settles down into the comfort of the nest. It's not perfect but it's so soft and comfortable.

As a few more days pass Hels learns to control his wings and tail. After some comparison his wings and Wels' are around the same size.

"So," Wels grins as he passes his brother a plate, "Do you want to try to fly today?"

"Sure, Uh we can start learning," Hels nods nervously.

Wels spreads his wings out and they begin. Hels starts by jumping and flapping his wings. He does manage to hover off the ground.

Then they start gliding. Much like the elytra it's pretty straight forwards and he can take off with little difficulty. Then comes the hard part. Flapping the wings to remain in flight.

As he drifts above Wels, Hels grins and makes an attempt to flap his wings.

He falls, Wels jumps in the air to try to catch him but he misses.

Hels hits the ground and for the first time ever, respawns.


Sorry I'm late with this chapter, I was at girls camp with my church 10/10 super fun

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