Comforthis found On words and actions: Wels

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Wels growls at his communicator, his wings and tail flare out and his scales puff up a bit. His clone had been hanging out with Exy. Apparently that was helping him be a nicer person. Even though Hels had been cloned from a draconic Wels, he's human.

Pushing the doors to his store open Wels wraps his wings around himself. As he gathers up his profits he slowly slumps in on himself. His stress and bad day shouldn't be taken out on his clone.

All he'd done was threaten people and after that he disappeared for a few months. Unfortunately while Exy convinced him that being all angry at the world isn't healthy, Exy is also a prankster. As such when Hels finally agreed to come and live above ground he's been a bit of a nuisance.

"Wels? Are you ok?" Joe asks, "You don't look very happy."

"Hm, oh, yeah I'm fine, I'm just thinking," Wels explains as he sits down on the grass.

"What's up?"

"It's nothing really, Hels just realized since I'm half dragon I'm really easy to mess with. He's gotten me with the laser pointer at least three times in the last week," As he talks his tail angrily thumps against the ground."

"Hey, it's ok," Joe gently explains as he sits down next to him.

As Wels begins to rant, smoke begins to drift from his mouth, "My wings are impossible, I can't function very well with them and they keep getting in the way. I've gotten stuck so many times because they've flared out."

Joe winces as Wels continues.

"Not to mention my tail, decorating is impossible. I keep knocking my things off tables and shelves," The aforementioned limb wags softly, "I've never been clumsy, but now I'm always breaking things."

Wincing, Joe pats his shoulder, "Give it more time."

"I know, I know. I've started hoarding things. I'm like attracted to gold..."

"That's not not all is it?"

"No, I try to hoard music stuff. I've got so much of it now. I got Sacr to help me make crystals that can hold songs in them. I've got one for each of you."

Joe smiles, "You hoard us hermits don't you?"

"Yeah, I just want to protect you guys. I don't like seeing you hurt," As he says this his mouth glows slightly.

"Wels, that's so sweet," Joe smiles.

Wels' wings surround himself as he ducks away from all the praise, "It's nothing, I can't really control it."

Joe smiles softly.

"I can't stand my fire," Wels blurts out, "It's not unbearably warm but it gets really hot really fast from outside stuff."

"Is that why you'll eat ice and jump in water?"

"Yeah, it gets really annoying, I can barely stand it sometimes," By this point Wels has burnt himself out of anger and is tiredly slumped over.

"Do you want a hug?" Joe asks.

Wels nods and leans into the embrace.

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