Xisuma Just Wants Some Peace 3: Lasers are Fun

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EvilXisuma: Doc hurry!

Docm77: It's been five minutes, let me get through the nether.

EvilXisuma: get here fast

Docm77: I'll be there in under five minutes.

"Don't touch anything," E.X says kneeling next to his brother. Who was bleeding from a small cut on his arm. "Doc will be here in a few minutes. I'm going to wait for him, you sleep or something,"

True to what was said a few minutes later Doc shows up.

"Oh, good your here. Your a bit too late to see his transformation," E.X says sarcastically then loses all sarcasm, "He didn't go unconscious this time, probably because it wasn't as bad,"

"What happened?"

"He grew claws, and his arms are covered in fur: think it's fur, it's really soft, anyway the fur is up to his elbows," E.X says dragging Doc over to where Xisuma was sleeping.

"How sharp are his claws?"

"Very, he's already cut himself,"

"Sounds like when I got my arm," Doc jokes waving his metal arm, "When I woke up I couldn't feel my face, and I accidentally slapped my self,"

EvilX raises an eyebrow at this. Unknown to Doc who couldn't see through the helmet. As they walk into the room Xisuma was in the first thing they notice is the bed was empty, the second thing was there were a few claw marks on the walls.

"Xisuma!" E.X calls out, "What did you do?"

Doc raises his arm to quite EvilX when he's tackled to the floor. He's about to draw his sword when he sees just who had taken him down, "Zisuma?" His only response was a growl. As he attempts to stand up again his arm caches the light creating a glare on the wall that Xisuma rushes towards.

EvilX freezes as he looks at his brother, "Not a word of this to anyone," He growls out to Doc, "Here, put this on and stay out of the light,"

Doc accepts the glove and blanket and slowly moves out of the light.

"Now we just have to get him back, any ideas?"

As Xisuma slowly came to the memories of what he had done returned, "Tell me I didn't do that,"

"I would, but it would be lying," E.X says looking up from Xisuma's communicator that was being modified for the claws that had grown in.

"Do you have food?" Xisuma says changing the subject.

"Here," Doc says tossing a few golden carrots at him.

Xisuma takes a bite of one and almost immediately spits it out into the trash.

Doc lets out a small hiss off alarm when Xisuma turns back towards him, "Maybe we try chicken?" Doc hands Xisuma a chicken which was swiftly devoured.

"Thank you," Xisuma says as he looks up at Doc from where he was crouched on his bed.
Almost an entire day had passed before something else happened. E.X and Doc had left for a few minutes to get some food. When they returned Xisuma was laying down, crumpled on the floor in extreme pain.

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