Danse Macabre 2: Life Drain

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It's been a few days since Joe's 'death' and the newly formed vampire has gotten pretty used to his fangs and other new additions. His lack of a heartbeat doesn't bother him as much as he'd expected. Much of his time is spent poring over the book on vampires. Nothing else has happened yet but Avar is still active so Who knows what will happen.

"Ok, Joe we've got a test for you," Xisuma explains as he sets several blood-filled shot glasses down, "Can you sit down for me?"

Joe swallows before sitting down.

"Thanks, so each of the shot glasses has a different mob blood. Chicken, pig, cow, and sheep. I want you to drink them all one at a time and rank them."

Nodding Joe grins, "It's like a wine testing?"

"Sure," Xisuma grins, "Do you want some crackers and cheese?"

Bursting out in laughter Joe nods, "Let's do this as normal as possible."

Xisuma agrees as he slides a pen and paper over to Joe, "Will do, I'll be back in a moment."

Softly Joe nods as he picks up one of the glasses. Looking down at the paper he spots the numbered list, looking back at the shot glasses he rolls his eyes softly. They've been numbered.

Smiling softly Joe picks up the first glass and takes a sip. Compared to the chicken blood he's been drinking it's almost bitter... it's not bad but sour. Licking his fangs clean Joe writes a 4/10 in the notebook.

Moving on he picks up the second glass. This time he blinks as he swallows, "That was good," he murmurs. The taste is sweeter and good. It's really good, he gives it a mark of 7/10. Drinking the rest of the glass Joe smiles.

The next glass has the ever-familiar chicken blood. This one just has a mild iron flavor without much else added. It tastes familiar by this point so he really can pin flavors. It's given a 6/10 on his scale.

Before he can taste the final glass Xisuma comes back in with something that smells delicious. Taking a small sip from his glass his eyes widen softly. Placing the glass down he scribbles down his verdict 8/10.

"Xisuma?" Joe hisses, "What is that?"

"Well, uh it's human blood," Xisuma states, "I know you don't really want to drink from people but you need to..."

Joe sighs and takes the lid off the cup, as the scent fills the room his eyes widen. Subconsciously licking his fangs, Joe takes the cup and drinks some. He freezes, "That's so good," He murmurs softly while taking a long drink.

Squinting Xisuma looks at his face, "Joe, you look a lot healthier."

"What do you mean?"

"Your cheeks have some color to them," Xisuma explains as Joe dumps all the remaining blood into the same cup and drinks it.

"I feel a lot better now... How's this I drink a cup of human blood a week."

"You seemed to like it?" Xisuma asks, his tail flicking back.

"That's the problem. I like it too much," Joe explains.

Xisuma reaches over and picks the list up, "That is a problem, I'd say stick to chicken and pig blood."

Nodding Joe agrees it wouldn't be nice if he drank cow or sheep blood with Zedaph and Beef being skittish around things. A vampire would definitely terrify them, "Whose blood did you give me?"

"Stress, she felt a bit guilty that she couldn't help with the last few transformations."

Joe nods as he stands from the table and walks to the sink. As Xisuma watches he looks at him before realizing. He's been holding himself differently then normal, normally Joe walks quickly with small steps. Now his steps look more planned and graceful even.

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