Birds Of A Feather 3: Fight Or Flight

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Hels sits up in a flurry of feathers, gasping. Wels instantly flocks to his brother's side, "Are you ok?"

"What happened?"

"You fell from a high place," Wels gently explains, "Not a good respawn... not for the first one after the transformation."

Shakily Hels stands up and walks hesitantly down to the couch, "That feels so weird."

"Yeah, it's always weird after the transformation."

"It doesn't feel like that normaly?" Hels asks softly.

Wels blinks for a moment, "Oh, you haven't before?"

Hels shakes his head, "Nope."

His face brakes as Wels wraps Wels with his wings and hugs him, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Hels murmurs before growling, "It's his."

"Ok," Wels places a hand on his brothers back, "Deap breath."

Hels takes a slow shuddering breath chirping slightly, a dark look crosses his face, "I hate this! Why did I have to be changed like this."

"I know," Wels murmurs as he holds his brother.

Hels feels something shift, he looks up at Wels and runs up the stairs to his room.

"I'll bring you up some food," Wels calls after him.

The footsteps stop, "Thank you."

As he turns to close the door Hels blacks out momentarily, as he wakes up he ruffles his wings. Something is definitely wrong.

Looking down at his clawed front feet he lets out a panic screach. Snuffling he looks at the distinctiy bird feet. Trying to stand up Hels finds his back legs in a similar state.

He's fully a griffin, wings and tail thrashing he sits down.

"Hels, are you ok?" Wels asks softly as he walks up to his brother's room.

A growl comes from behind the door and something fumbles with the door handle.

"I'm opening the door," Wels reaches for the handle. As he swings the door open a large egale head blinks at him before falling forwards, "Whoah, carefull."

Hels snaps his beak angrily and stamps his feet.

"Can't talk?" Wels asks softly petting His beak.

Hels shakes his head and attempts to stand up he makes it a few inches up before falling back on his butt.

"I'm going to call Ren and Cub," Wels says slowly, "Is that ok with you?"

Looking thoughtful for a moment Hels nods and chirps softly.

Wels calls for help then sits on the floor and helps his brother into a more comfortable position. Laying on the floor instead of standing awkwardly with his legs splayed out beside him.

It takes about ten minutes for Ren to arrive.

"Hey man," He waves clunkily with his prosthetic arm, "You stuck?"

Hels huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Fair," Ren giggles, "Wouldn't stay like that if you had a choice. I want you to follow what I do. Once Cub gets here, Uh he might be better since-" Ren moves his cybernetics around, "I move, oddly..."

He shape shifts and matches the pose Hels is in. Giving him a pointed look Ren slowly wags his tail; unfortunately with the cybernetics it hurts if he goes too fast. Ren moves into a kneeling position, Hels copies. Now standing Ren helps nudge him to a standing position.

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