The Phantom Of Hermitcraft 2: Music Of The Night

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Mumbo carefully follows Grian through the nether. Since Grian needs to get his barge restocked, Mumbo decides to tag along. As the duo arrive in the shopping district they split up. Grian heads over to his barge and Mumbo wanders over to Jrumbot's shop. He hasn't visited the small robot in quite some time.

The small robot lights up as Mumbo enters the shop, "You look like me now?" He asks curiously.

"I do, don't I?" Mumbo chuckles as he sits next to the robot's charging dock, his eyes turning a bright yellow, "There's a magical rock that decided to change people. It made me look like this."

"Everyone is a robot?" The small robot asks doubt filling his voice as he crosses his arms.

"No, it's like, the meteor picks a trait that someone has then changed them to match that trait better."

The small robot walks over to Mumbo and sits next to him, swinging his legs next to the much taller robot as they talk. After a while, Mumbo has to leave to give Grian a hand.

As Mumbo stands up to go and help Grian, Jrumbot speaks up, "You should go see Grumbot, he's a little lonely."

"Don't you worry I'll go and talk to him in a bit," As he says this Jrumbot makes a happy noise and powers himself down until someone else walks into the shop.

Smiling to himself Mumbo walks towards the Barge, as he walks Doc comes running through a portal and nearly rams into him Doc trips and stumbles, "Oh, goodness. Doc are you ok?" The robot helps the creeper back to his feet.

"Sorry about that Mumbo," Doc murmurs, "I need to get this to Bdubs," He holds up a potion that glimmers slightly in the sunlight. He nods once to Mumbo then heads into the town hall.

By this time Grian has noticed Mumbo blinking in confusion and flutters over, "You ok?"

"Oh, I'm fine," He explains what happened and shrugs.

Grian hums and shakes his wings out. Quite a few feathers drift off. Grian shrieks, "Mumbo, my feathers!"

Mumbo looks like a deer in the headlights, his eyes flashing bright blue in concern, "Call Tango?"

Shaking a bit Grian pulls his communicator out to call Tango. A few minutes later he puts the communicator down, "He has feathers that are falling out as well. He's going to meet us here."

As he waits Grian paces around nervously, he anxiously runs a hand through his hair. His feathers standing straight up.

After a few minutes Doc rushes over with Bdubs trailing behind awkwardly, "Tango messaged me, you two are molting. It can take anywhere between a month and six."

"Goodness," Mumbo mutters.

Grian pales and flutters up to a perch, "So I'm just going to be shedding feathers for half a year?"

"For you two it'll probably take a little bit over a month," Doc explains, Tango shows up a moment later and Doc starts lecturing them both about how molting works and what'll happen to them.

Mumbo tunes them out and looks over to Bdubs, "Are you ok?"

"Hm, oh I'm fine," Bdubs stresses, "Just getting affected."

"Have they figured out what's happening?"

"I'm turning into a phantom," He replies shortly, as he pushes his glasses up a bit.

Mumbo takes a moment processing the information, "Oh dear."

Bdubs nods before he looks like he's going to be sick.

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