Spell Work 1: Magic... You're Kidding Me?

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Down in his cave, the meteor sits plotting, after the stunt, he pulled a few weeks ago his magic supply was running very low and would only recharge from magic being used around the world and Vex magic is absolutely horrible for regaining energy. As he forms his plan he grins, "It's perfect, give a hermit some magic. Have him use it and I will gain more power," he ranks a while to think and starts deciding just who to give this power to.

As he thinks one particular hermit comes to mind, Hypno. The man hasn't given much inclination of what he's associated with so he's perfect for the job. Smirking to himself, Avar starts weaving the magic together before sending it out to find him.

The spell hits its mark and Hypno flops over in his sleep mumbling something under his breath. As the sun starts to rise, Jevin rushes over to Hypno's home and knocks frantically at the door.

Hypno stumbles over to the door and opens it confused, "Jevin? What's up?"

The blue slime is shaking slightly and grips his arms, "Meteor's Activated again and it's being really weird. So, Doc told me to find you so he can check if you're being affected."

"Slow down, what's weird with the meteor?"

"I don't know but Doc sounded frantic," Jevin shrugs as he rubs at his arm nervously.

Hypno shrugs, "Shopping district right?" At Jevin's nod he continues, "Give be like ten minutes I'll be there."

"Thanks, man, I know it's early."

"You're fine, it's important," A few minutes later Hypno reapers now properly dressed and ready for whatever horrors the day holds.

As the pair head over to the shopping district Hypno starts to get a bit nervous. Because well, the meteor is probably at least a little bit bitter and probably isn't going to show any sort of restraint.

Doc grabs Hypno's arm and pulls him over to the town hall; leaving Jevin behind, "Hypno, you're being affected."

"Wh- how, how do you know?" Hypno asks as he draws his arms close to his body.

"He told me. The meteor, he seemed oddly excited about affecting you."

"That's not a happy thought."

"No, it's not," Doc agrees, "that's why I'm worried and that's why you're here. There isn't a visual effect on the meteor it could mean he's low on energy or something more sinister."

Hypno nods slowly, "I don't really know, something feels off but I can't describe what..."

Humming softly Doc squints at Hypno, "If nothing that we can tell happens well go to the Vex and ask them. Is that good?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Hypno muters.

Slowly a day ticks by with no evidence of changes, then another day passes, and another until a week has passed. Doc walks towards where Hypno is working.

"We need to talk to the Vex don't we?"

Doc nods, "We should, Scar's going to meet us in the shopping district."

"Alright," Hypno mutters as he trails behind the scientist.

When they arrive Scar is having a very nice conversation with a pair of Vex. All three are hovering above the diamond pile and little blue sparks of magic are shooting off.

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