Withering Energy 1: Arrival

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Standing in the spawn egg Skizz looks around confused.

"How'd you even?" Xisuma frowns, "how did you bypass the white list?"

"I have no clue..." Skizz shrugs, "I just walked into the portal."

Sighing, Xisuma flicks his tail and stands up on his hind legs for a moment, "I'll go check the whitelist..."

As he says this Impulse runs into the spawn egg, "Dude."

"Hey man," Skizz shrugs.

Peeking out from behind Impulse's legs Tango walks over to where Skizz is standing, "I told you not to come..."

"Sorry," Skizz sighs, "I didn't think I would get through the portal though."

Tango yawns, "Yeah that's fair..."

"You ok?"

Nodding Tango rubs at his face, "Yeah just sleepy, respawns, then this," he motions down at himself, "Not a good combo."

"Yeah?" Skizz nods, "I wouldn't think so."

"Welp, Skizz," Impulse sighs, "You're stuck here."


"Look at your comm."


AvarV: you need to stay


"That's not good," Tango mutters, putting his communicator down, "I'm sorry."

"Why?" Skizz asks as he kneels down to meet eye level with Tango.

"I texted you, you came because I asked you to..."

Shaking his head Skizz pulls Tango over, "It's not your fault, I came for you. But it was my own choice."

Nodding softly Tango let's Skizz pick him up.

"Ok, let's get you over to the guest house," Impulse frowns, "Tango, do you want to stay here?"

"NO," Tango wiggles down to the ground, "I'm coming."

As they head out of the spawn egg over to the small house that they made when Hbomb was stuck on the server.

"Well, here's the guest house," Impulse shrugs, grinding sadly to his best friend.

"Thanks man," Skizz shrugs, "sorry about all this..."

"It's not your fault," Impulse shakes his head.

"Yeah, it's the meteor's," Tango sticks his tongue out.

Laughing Skizz high fives Tango, "Yeah it is."


Pacing Xisuma hears his claws clicking on the ground. Growling he digs his claws into the dirt outside his base.

The white list is still up.

Skizz isn't on the list.

So how is he here?

Adding him to the list Xisuma sighs and heads over to Doc and Ren's base. He needs to speak with the Meteor.

"Hello?" Xisuma asks growling softly as he bumps the door to the meteor room open with his head.

The meteor's screen flickers on and words start appear as Avar focuses on Xisuma, What do you want

"Did you mess with the whitelist?" Xisuma asks, pacing the room a little like a tiger stalking.

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