Phoenix Fire 1: It's a bit loony

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Tango grins as the anvils fly through the air bouncing just the way he wanted them to. Edging closer to the area containing the redstone, he Crutches and begins to create a casing around the device. Very carefully he shakily stands when Zedaph calls out startling him causing him to fall.

Thankfully he doesn't get too injured from this. Playfully glaring at Zedaph he takes a step forwards and one of the anvils falls on his head.

Zedaph rushes forwards only to stop confused that Tango just shook it off. Seriously, the man was smacked by a falling anvil and just gets up and keeps going. "Um, Tango are you ok?"

"Yeah, that didn't hurt or anything. Now that I say that, that sounds really bad," Tango answers as he stumbles towards Zedaph.

"I'd say, let's get you inside," Zedaph says guiding Tango off the roof and into the tower. He has him sit down on some chests and starts looking at his head looking for swell or bruising, "I don't know if this is good or bad, but I think you actually didn't get hurt."

"I would assume that's good," Tango says just as the communicators go off with a server-wide message, stating that the meteor had begun emitting signals. "Nevermind, that's bad."

Zedaph rolls his eyes at this, "Should we call, Impulse?"

"Hm, probably," Tango mutters pulling his communicator out and opening the chat, "You get Impulse and I'll tell Doc that I'm the one affected."

"Got it," Zedaph replies.

TangoTek: Hey, Doc. We're pretty sure I'm the one affected.

DocM77: Ok, you need anything?

TangoTek: Na, I'm good, right now.

DocM77: I'll go head and monitor the meteor.

Tango nods putting the communicator back into his pocket. A few seconds later Zedaph looks up and tells him that Impulse would be there in a few minutes.

True to his word a few minutes later the sound of rockets getting spammed can be heard as Impulse clumsily lands in the base, nearly tripping over himself in his rush. Tango and Zed slowly clap. "10/10"

"Na, Zed it's more of a 9/10 landing."

"Oh, hush you two. What happened, Zed told me you got hit in the head by an anvil?"

Tango glares slightly at Zedaph who shrugs innocently, "What? It was the best way I could think of to get him over here."

"So, you didn't get hit by an anvil?" Impulse asks, starting to get really confused.

"Oh, I totally got hit by one. It just didn't hurt at all though, and we're pretty sure it's the meteor."

Impulse takes a moment here to consider what his life

had come too, "Ok, so what do you think is happening?"

"I think because my base is all cartoony, it's making me more cartoony."

"Ok, that sounds plausible,"

"I think we should test that." Zedaph states crossing his arms. Tango nods in agreement.

"Ok... If that involves dropping an anvil on his head then no,"

Zedaph looks disappointed and Tango suddenly drops to the floor face first as if he'd been hit by something invisible.

Impulse is by his side in a second making sure he didn't get hurt. "What was that?"

"I don't know, it felt like something smacked me into the floor, but not in a painful way?" Tango shrugs, shaking his head.

Zed makes a frowning face as he thinks about what's happening, "Ok, so no throwing anvils at him, but we should probably test what kinda stuffs going to happen."


"Can we take a break? We've been doing this for hours," Tango mutters a bit tired of doing all the crazy things Zedaph and Impulse had been suggesting.

"That should be fine, we got a lot of stuff we could use," Impulse mutters. It's true they had Learned a lot about what's happening to Tango. He was surprisingly resilient when it came to stuff falling on him if shocked by something he would face plant, and if you got him mad there would be a dark red aura surrounding him. They hadn't been able to test what other auras would show up but they are convinced that there's more.

As they head into Tango's kitchen to get some food a pig-man triggers the trap set for them, letting out a bone-chilling squeal that startles all of them. Impulse jumps a little, Zed flinches back a little bit and Tango loses all color. Even his clothing turned white.

Seeing this Zedaph stifles his laugh as Tango's color slowly returns. "Hey, stop laughing. It's not my fault." Tango complains.

This makes Zedaph completely lose it and soon impulse was infected by the laughter and joins in. Hearing this, Tango pouts and gets dragged into a door frame as the other two pull him along.

The trio makes it to the kitchen without further incident and once there they get some food and head over to a window seat to eat. A few minutes later and Zedaph is pressed up against the window looking at something in the ocean confused.

"What is that?" He whispers squinting at something floating in the bay.

"Here," Tango says, pulling a telescope out of nowhere and handing it to Zedaph.

"Um, thanks?" Zedaph responds looking out at what was going on, "My buoy's floating away!"

Impulse and Tango look at each other for a moment before exploding into laughter at the utterly offended look on Zedaph's face.

"It's not funny guys," He protests, pouting a bit.

"It's the face you made. It was pretty funny," Impulse says, elbowing Tango who had yet to stop laughing, "Do you want to go and tie it back down?"

Zedaph nods and grabs his Elytra, equipping it and flying over to the buoy, where he moves it back into place and reattaches it to its anchor with some help from Tango and Impulse. As they return to the towers they start talking about what Tango has done a few minutes prior.

"So, what was that? I Didn't know you had a telescope on you." Impulse questions.

"Honestly, I didn't either. It just showed up in my hands," Tango explains shrugging.

"Ok, so new thing from the meteor. So far your able to be squashed, you have different auras, mysteriously face plant if shocked, change color when shocked and pull things out of nowhere?" Impulse says ticking each thing off on his fingers, "Anything else?"

"Oh, Doc just sent a description of the effects the meteor's given off," Tango says as he reads over the message, "That's odd he says it's giving off flames. What makes sense is them looking like cartoon fires, but why fire?"

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