Comfort is found in words and actions: Scar

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Scar sits on the top of the Diamond throne, he gently kicks his legs as he looks over the area. As he kicks his legs softly he smiles.

He has his domain laid out before him. Everything within his sight is his. He's the mayor surrounded by his friends he shouldn't feel so disconnected from them but he does. Barely coming up to their knees will do that. The Vex has been incredibly helpful with feeling at least somewhat normal.

A door swinging open draws him from his thoughts, "Hey Joe."

"Why howdy there Mr. Mayor," Joe grins, "Something is bugging you, what's wrong?"

"As observant as ever Mr. Hills," Scar jokes before becoming serious, "I'm, I just feel like. Everything is too big."

Sitting down on the floor Joe lets Scar talk.

"I never wanted to be so small, normally I'm a pretty tall person but now... can't even get up a block without needing help. Well, yeah I've got my wings but that takes energy. "

"Do you want a hug?"

"Yeah," As Scar gives Joe a hug the taller man gently hugs him back.

"I'll tell you something, I might be able to find a way to deal with the meteor. I can't say much more than that yet but I've got something in mind."

Scar gives a particularly Vex-like smile, "Whatever your idea is I'll be happy to help."

Narrowing his eyes Joe shakes his head, "Something else is up."

"Ok, ok, as much as I love the Vex and having magic it's a real pain to keep up with the others. Vex have this sort of hive mind pool and since they include me with the vex stuff on this world sometimes I'm left confused. Normally if a vex loses access to the hive mind they just can't be summoned anymore and they stay and attend to the high Vex."

Joe nods, "I remember hearing about this.

"I've mentioned it a few times," Scar confirms before continuing, "Since I'm not technically a Vex I can't access the Vex realm to drain excess magic."

"That doesn't sound good."

"It's not, two things happen with excess magic. One my wings will start growing, and two it's harder to stay solid. I found a way to put my extra magic into crystals but is not really a good solution. So I try to use magic, where it's a good thing. I made the shopping district green and terraform things," Scar explains as he wiggles his wings.

"You act more Vex like don't you?" Joe asks, "With the Diamonds?"

Scar frowns and he picks a gem off the pile, "I'm not supposed to eat diamonds, to me and Cub there still rocks and we should definitely not eat them."

"So you chew on them," Joe finishes.

Nodding he continues, "It's the same with Vex magic, it tastes amazing but we can't really eat it."

"Your instincts want you to be more like a Vex but you can't."

"Exactly, Cub can pretend things are normal, I can't escape from the world. I'm half a block tall, I can barely get up the stairs. If I want anything done fast I have to fly."

Joe leans back against the diamonds, "Hope you know if you ever need help with anything, we're here."

Scar snickers softly, "Thank you."

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