Preparing for change: 2 Hello CyberDogs

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Tail wagging excitedly Ren flops down into his bed and stretches. The stargazer movie had gone over well. Videos have been pretty inconsistent with the meteor and all, so it's nice to give the fans a treat.

Yawning he splutters as he sits up, with the ability to shapeshift whenever he wants. He's picked up a tendency to sleep as a wolf. So his fur is quite literally all over his base.

Shaking his fur out he stretches and curls into himself before transforming. It's a few days until the server closes and the hermits stay in the mega Hub for a few days as they pick up new members.

Taking a peek out into the desert around his base Ren huffs. Falling asleep Ren looks up at the stars and howls weakly.

As he wakes up he shakes his fur out and turns back to human. Stumbling outside he curls against a tree and yawns widely.

After a quick run he packs his clothes up and starts packing up his personal items. On the walk back from bringing it to Xisuma he wags his tail. Once he's out of the dense jungle he jumps into the air and flies off.

Flying over his base he waves at Stress. She waves back as she attempts to wrangle one of Iskall's slimes down into a safe mob transport.

Suddenly Ren's falling, his elytra ripped to shreds. Ren lands on the ground his right arm and leg in the lava. As he attempts to pull back something in his hip let's a sickening snap.

Yelping in pain he spots a blur of pink as something cool is poured onto his face. The thought of a fire resistance potion crosses his mind before passing out.

"Oh, no, this is bad..." Stress wispers.

Stressmonster: @all I need help

Stressmonster: now

Stressmonster: Ren's hurt bad

Iskall: I'm coming

Stressmonster: I I think it's permadamege

DocM77: is he reacting to potions

Stressmonster: it's protecting him from more damage, but it's not healing him

Xisuma: Iskall, get him to the mega hub hospitals

Xisuma: I'll go tell them we're coming

Stress shakes softly as she pulls Ren into her arm. Picking him up she settles him onto a bed and gives him another regeneration potion. It's not healing him but it's definitely taking the pain out.

Her hand brushes Ren's left hand, where he gently latches on and weakly wimpers.

"I know it hurts," She whispers, "We're going to get you to the hospital."

"Re..." Ren chokes out.

"Sorry love, too risky."

As Iskall lands next to Ren they cover their mouth with their hands, "Oh, oh no. Ok we're going to move you Ren... Xisuma has gotten us a portal right into the emergency area," They ramble on, "Stress could you text someone to grab some of his stuff from his base?"

She nods and sends the message as they hop worlds. Immediately Ren is surrounded by a cluster of watchers and taken from them.

Sitting down next to Xisuma they wait, and Wait and wait, and wait, and wait, the minutes drag on like hours. Doc joins them to pass them a bag of Ren's stuff before getting heading outside and back to hermitcraft.

He did want to stay, but a Creeper under a stressful situation tends not to end well. So it's just a polite thing to do when there are others around.

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