Iskallium 1: So... That Happened

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As the sun climbs high in the sky over an island filled with mushrooms, there is a group of about ten people standing around staring at a large chunk of rock sticking out of the ground. The ground around looks as if it has been torn up haphazardly and then hastily put back.

"We can't just leave it here," Doc says, hissing slightly in annoyance. As someone wasn't taking the problem with the meteor returning seriously, "This is the most frequently visited area on the server, who knows what'll happen with that much exposure." Grian puts his hands up in mock surrender at this muttering something about it being a joke.

"I agree with Doc, but where will we move it?" Xisuma questions flicking his tail around, the hermits standing behind him all step back a few feet to avoid getting hit with the rather sharp tip. "We need somewhere that is easy to get to but not visited too often."

Grian steps forward a little and starts to share his idea, "What if we put it on the spawn island, it's pretty close to the middle of the world, and we have a nether portal there."

This was answered with nods of heads and Xisuma was looking at the meteor looking a bit lost in thought.

"Hey, X you ok?" Mumbo asks a bit concerned for his friend.

"Oh, yeah, just thinking. That's a good spot for the meteor," As he says this he starts to teleport the meteor over to the spawn island. "Can someone make something to contain and monitor it?"

"Um, I can do it," Bdubs volunteers, before clarifying, "I can build something to house it,"

"I can make the monitoring system," Doc says, "I still have the plans from last time,"

The plan was set, the meteor would be moved down from the surface into a cave. Where it wouldn't be as visible. Doc and Bdubs worked together to turn the cave into a place that looked good and functioned as well. It had to be comfortable as there were many times where the person watching the meteor would be down there for days. Waiting and watching for something to change.

It took a few weeks to complete but, eventually, the containment unit was finished. Doc had put something in the computer system that would send a message out to everyone if the meteor starts to do something.


In the following week, life was pretty normal. There was a meeting at Dead Dog Gulch to try and sell out some hermits participating in the game of life. The meeting was going just fine, having convinced Xisuma and Hypno to give up, it was only Doc and Ren left in the mix. They continued talking before finishing up and agreed on a time and place for the final duel.

By the time the meeting had finished the sun was going down and the moon was about to rise. Ren and Doc exit the saloon laughing a bit, Ren's tail wagging happily and meet Hypno and Xisuma outside so they could walk to their bases together.

"That was pretty epic, my dudes," Ren laughs motioning for them to stop walking.

"That it was," Xisuma replies looking at Ren with an odd expression on his face. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just kinda overly, excited? Not sure," Ren answers looking confused.

Xisuma's eyes widen a little before pulling out his communicator, "Oh, full moon's tonight, is that why?"

Ren makes a little oh shape with his mouth in realization, "Yeah,"

"What time do you normally shift?" Xisuma inquires looking at his watch.

"Um, whenever the moon's fully up,"

"Well, it'll be there soon," Doc points out nodding at the moon that was almost fully up.

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