queen of hearts and body parts: True Or False

414 24 62

Looking over the landscape False grins to herself. The landscape looks amazing, the spaceship is coming together quite nicely. Her base is finally starting to feel complete .

Cleo's transformation had been a few weeks before and while she's been adjusting to the change, the meteor has been unusually quiet. Normally he's at least a little chat but dead silence since Tommy went home.

Gathering up her picks and shulkers False heads into the nether. The sweltering heat washes over her as she flies out to a good mining spot. Putting some headphones she slips them on and gets to work.

Slowly, stack by stack False gathers up the needed netherrack when she gets to the third box her communicator buzzes with an alert. Pulling it out she frowns, it's the meteor, a small jolt of energy runs through her body.

Shaking it off she sends a message saying she got the message and continues mining. Noticing that she's low on torches she thins out the placement bit by bit.

After about ten minutes she whirls around. The nearest torch is at least twenty blocks back, "Crap."

The area is still well lit despite the lack of lighting, "Maybe there's some lava..."

No such luck, there's no lava just netherrack. Stuffing her boxes into her inventory she pulls her communicator out and shoots Doc a message.

False Symmetry: Doc I think I might be affected.

DocM77: how bad

False Symmetry: not bad so far, just night vision I think

DocM77: I'll stop by? Or send TFC?

False Symmetry: Uh I'm ok for now. I'll let you know if anything really starts to happen.

DocM77: give updates every so often

False Symmetry: will do

DocM77: Thanks

RenDog: Stay safe False

Jumping into her base False walks down to her storage room and starts to sort out all the shulkers. Sighing softly she wanders between chests and barrels.

Once she's done there she wanders back to her house area. Since she's not super tired she decides to make dinner. Sure it's easier to just eat gold carrots, but they dont taste to good and she has the time.

A look out the window reveals the full moon rising into the sky. Puttering around in the kitchen she gathers up some food, after a few minutes she hears a soft scratching at the door followed by a sharp bark.

"Hold on Ren," She laughs, "Give me a moment."

The barking stops. A moment later false lets him in.

"Hey buddy," She pats his head scratching his ears a bit.

Ren boops her with his nose and curls up under her table.

"Let me get this done real quick," False murmurs as she grabs a plate.

Perking his ears up Ren sniffs at the food. Unaware of the wolf lingering behind her, False takes her food and turns away. Popping up behind her Ren snags a bit of chicken.

False sets her plate down, "Really?"

Ren nods the chicken still in his mouth.

"Do you want a plate?"

He nods again.

Grabbing one False gives it to him and he very gently sets it down, "Do you want me to cut it?"

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