Red Sparks 1: It Begins

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Some of the hermits had gathered in a park near Sahara to view a meteor shower, it was Grian's idea and he had invited Mumbo, Iskall, Doc, Scar, Xisuma, and Ren, all of them talking and laughing with each other.

"There's one!" Grian yells as something streaks across the sky. The other Hermits look up and notice something off.

"Is it just me or is it heading this way?" Doc says looking up. The others look more closely and start to run. Once they get to a safe distance they stop and watch, As the meteor grows closer they begin to notice how it's emitting blood-red particles.

As the meteor hit the ground where they had been standing moments before, a shower of red sparks where shot in all directions and a shard was dislodged and hurled straight at Grian's chest. Upon seeing this Mumbo shoves Grian out of the way taking the hit himself, the shard burying itself into his shoulder. He falls to the ground unmoving.

"Mumbo!" Iskall yells over the sounds of the others.

"We have to move him." Ren says hurriedly, "Getting hit in the shoulder like that shouldn't be enough to knock him out,"

"Ok, stop panicking," Xisuma says mostly to Grian, "We need to get him to his base. Ren, you go get a boat, Grian, Iskall when Ren gets back you two take Mumbo to his base, Doc, Scar you two gather information about what this meteor is made of, I'll meet you at his base with medical supplies.

At this, the hermits broke off to do their tasks all worried for their friend.


"Now what? Grian asks after Xisuma had finished helping Mumbo, "You took the shard out of his arm and healed him so why isn't he moving? What if he never wakes up, this is all my fault." At this, he buries his head in his hands.

Xisuma walks around the bed that Mumbo was kneeling next to the small hermit. "I don't know how this happened, he should be fine the shard only hit muscle nothing vital was hit. He's probably just passed out from the shock. Nobody blames you, how could you have known that the rock would hit right where we were. Once Doc and Scar get back we'll know more and be able to fix this."

"Are you sure that he won't blame me?"

"Yah man, once Scar and Doc get back we can figure out what happened," Ren says with Iskall nodding in agreement. This greatly helped Grian's mental state and he stopped blaming himself.

After what seemed like hours of waiting but was really only thirty minutes Doc and Scar enter the room and with serious looks sit down and start explaining what they had found out. "So the meteor is some kind of Machine or something it's still made of rock but if you put a Redstone torch nearby it will start glowing and releasing the particles that we saw," Doc explains to Grian and Xisuma, Ren had gone back to his base and would be back in the morning to check up and see if they needed his help and Iskall was getting food for the rest of them.

"Ok, one question how did you get to a Redstone torch?" Grian asks.

"Oh easy, I set one down by mistake," Scar says rubbing the back of his neck. "We decided to put signs telling people to not go in that general area until we can move it, preferably to Area77."

"What else did you find out?" Iskall asks as he hands Grian a bowl of soup.

"Well, it made Doc's cybernetics go a bit haywire. His eye was flashing like crazy."

Doc cuts in saying. "The sparks it was emitting changed color depending on who was there the sparks where green for me and silver for Scar."

"It also remained charged or something for a few minutes after we removed the torch. Which is why I wanted to try this." Scar stands pulling out a torch and places it next to Mumbo.

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