Hurting Hermits 7: Dog Days

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Rolling over Ren snuggles deeper into his blankets. After a few minutes of laying in bed, he stands up and shakes his coat out.

Jumping off his bed he pads into the kitchen. Pushing a cabinet door open with his head he grabs a box of rice cakes and shakes one out. Throwing onto the table he breaks it into smaller bits.

After eating he pads into a living room and flops down onto the dog bed and watches the birds near the window. Grooming himself he shakes his fur out again and grabs one of the chew toys and naws on it.

Almost thirty minutes later he yelps and rolls to his feet, it's not the full moon so why is he a wolf...

Concentrating on being human he huffs out a breath when he finds he's still a wolf. Taking a slow breath he calms down a bit and tries again.

Nothing happens. He's still a wolf. Starting to panic he takes off into the early morning.

He paws thud against the ground as he jumps recklessly over lava pools. Heading into the thick jungle he looks for another hermit. Stress and Mumbo's bases are too hard to get into as a wolf so that leaves Grian, Iskall, or Scar.

Panting heavily he paddles into the river and enters Scars magic village. Shaking the water out of his fur he sniffs around for the small hermit. He walks all around the village until he finds where Scar is.

As expected, he's in Larry the snail. Placing his paws on the ladder and barks and whines, until a blurry-eyed Scar stumbles to the door.

"Ren?" He asks softly, "You good buddy?"

Shaking his head Ren paces then looks up at the blue sky.

"It's daytime... and you're still a wolf?" Scar asks, starting to figure it out.

Ren nods then motions for him to keep going.

"It's not the Full moon," Scar gasps as he flutters down, landing on his back. Setting down into the warm fur, he pulls his communicator out, "Start walking to the shopping district?"

Ren pads off towards Grian's base and the nether portal, inside.

GoodTimesWithScar: All hermits, shopping district.

GoodTimesWithScar: Ren's a wofl

Xisuma: oh dear

TangoTek: Impulse has a problem as well.

xBCrafted: I'm stuck in mer form.

MumboJumbo: Cub's... a cub

DocM77: what

MumboJumbo: He's acting like a lion

DocM77: Xb's Stuck, could you teleport us to the town hall.

The hermits start to gather around Town Hall. Keralis awkwardly shows his arms off to the hermits. Entering the area under the town hall Ren flops down next to Etho and closes his eyes.


Thankfully Ren was able to turn back to human after only a few hours. Only to turn right back into a wolf when he gets startled by a firework.

Barking up at the hermit, he pads back into the town hall. This time he easily turns back into a human.

Stopping for a moment he shifts back and forth in attempts to get used to the quick changes. After about five times back and forth he shakes his head and slumps down.

"Ren," Joe slowly murmurs yawning, "Don't shift back and forth like that, it drains your energy."

"Oh," Ren's ears pin to his head as Joe sweeps past.

"Sorry," Joe mutters, "I must feel weird."

"It's fine," Ren waves his hand, "We'll get used to it."

Joe nods and starts the walk back to his base, "I'll see you later."

Ren nods as the rain starts to drip down. Deciding not to fly, as he's a little off-balance, he walks back to his base. 

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