Pumkin Carving

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Grabbing a knife Beef takes the pumpkin and neatly cuts around the steam, sure this could be done far quicker and easier with the shears. But making Jack O'Lanterns by hand has a certain charm to it.

Something all the hermits seem to agree with.

They are gathered in a room beneath the spawn egg, Hooves clopping down the hall. Beef walks into the sitting area and sets the pumpkins down.

It's a surprisingly quaint sight. The hermits sitting together. After all that's happened.

Tango, Zed and Impulse working together on three pumpkins. Tango's in the middle of a respawn and doesn't really have the motor control for the carvings, he's doing the drawing and poking holes as a guideline.

The others are scattered around working. Doc has part of a pumpkin and is idly chewing on it. Who would have guessed that creepers like pumpkins.

Someone has stuck a few pumpkins onto Xisuma's spines.

Grian has cut a hole in the bottom of a pumpkin and is hoping after Keralis. Trying to stick it onto his head.

Laying down on the floor Beef smiles softly as Etho leans against his back. Side by side they work on their own pumpkins.

It's been a long haul but it'll be alright... no matter what happens. They're a family and they all help each other get better and cope with what's happened.

Scar and Cub run into the room with ever so slight guilty grins on their faces.

"What did you do?" Pearl hums slightly.

"Well... we mighthaveputapumpkinaroundthemeteor," Scar blurts. Giggles over taking his voice.

"The vex said he can't effect anyone twice any more," Cub shrugs.

"Got any photos?" Mumbo asks, his eyes flaring yellow.

Scar nods and sends the pictures to the hermit chat.

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